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POV: Matty

‘Finally’ They got together, Phew, what a long week

The pure joy of Gust’s and Phil’s still vivid in my mind, Thank god, she had not got angry about the plan like Nyle, though I never thought he would actually punch him, but yeah, I can understand.

And to be invited to a party this Friday? I’m not gonna say I’m ecstatic but yeah I could spend time with Nyle, and for that I’m happy actually ecstatic.,

I threw my bag on the couch and sat in it after removing my hood, then took the remote and changed the channels, suddenly Theo took it from my hand and changed the channels himself,

“That’s what I was doing Thee” I said rolling my eyes at him

“Well, it is a pleasure if I do it myself”
Somehow, my face showed how happy I was these days, especially today, so Thee asked me,

“What’s the reason for the happy face?”

I didn’t hesitate a minute in telling him about my friends romance story, by the time I finished he asked,

“So, that idiot have a girlfriend now? I see,…” he said as if he is judging

“Thee, for gods sake, he is not an idiot, in fact he is an Grade A student and….” I stopped mid sentence

“And…?” Thee asked still surfing through channels

“And Fuck…”

“Watch the language Mat” Thee said in a stern voice

“Sorry, I sort of forgot about something…” I said taking my mobile out of my pocket

“Forgot about what?”

“That I need to learn maths and if I don’t, detention for the whole year” I said, dialing Aiden’s number, somehow I managed to get all of my friends number except Nyle. Atleast not yet.

“Maths?” he asked

“Yeah Maths! Wait,… do you know about it? can you teach me?” I asked Thee before calling Aiden

“I’m sorry Mat, using my body is easy than using my brain” he said casually

“You could’ve just said, you don’t know Maths” I said pressing the green button on the screen

within three rings, Aiden picked up the phone

“Hey Aiden?” I asked

“Hello. Matthead?” Seriously, I can’t with him!

“Don’t pull words from my mouth Aiden!” I said pressing my tip of the nose to control my anger

“Ok Ok, tell me what’s the matter?”

“You said you’ll help me with maths, are you free today?” I asked

“Oh, yeah sure, tell me the address, I’ll come” he said

“Seriously? Thank you, thank you so much” I thanked him, I didn’t think he would actually help me, though I know he will, I thought the contrary. I gave him the address and he said he’ll be here within few minutes and cut the phone.

My brother is looking at me as if he is seeing something surreal,

“what?” I asked,

He just shook his head smiling and continued surfing through TV

“Where are they?” I asked getting up from the couch

“They, Who?” Thee interrogated

“You know who!” I said taking an apple from the fridge, while zuzu walked in between my legs scratching them on the way,

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