The End

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POV: Matty

The pain in my head increased as much as the pain in my stomach… I understood the pain my stomach pain as I’m nine and half months pregnant, but the head pain… I don’t know

“Hey you alright?” Nyle asked beside me, I didn’t said anything to him about my head pain, he’ll make it a big deal .I don’t wanna go to the hospital, atleast not yet.

“Yeah Ny… just normal pregnancy tiredness” I said touching his hand

“But you don’t look like usual? Are you hungry? Can I make something to eat or drink?” he asked, I just nodded my head negatively,

“Come lets go sit in the garden, you’ll feel better” he said already worried and took my hands, I was about to get up  a sharp pain hit my head, it was like someone hit the nerves with a sharp nail.

“Nyle… ow.. Ny…” I said and sat on the sofa with my head on his shoulders, and everything went dark.

Two Hours later,
POV: Matty

I opened my eyes,

Bright Colors!!!

I closed it quickly, my heart started beating faster,

‘Did I saw colors?’

I quickly opened it and closed it and Fuck…

“It is colors!” I sat up eyes closed

“Nyle…” I shouted my lungs out loud. The door burst open, I opened my eyes to see..


My Man,

My crush,

My love,

My husband,

My admirer,

My mine,

My Nyle.

He looked at me with confusion and realisation hit him he ran forward and looked at me with tears in his eyes,

“Ora.. Orange…? Can.. Can you see me?” he asked taking my face in his hands, those warm ones
I looked at his face, My damn god!

Is he hot? Fuck yes!

Is he cute? Fucky yes!

“Yes Nyle! I can see” I said tears welled up his eyes.

“Oh my god! Orange…” he said and hugged me,

“You can see, You can see god dammit!” he said laughing and hugged me again, seeing this man in front of me and calling him my husband… How did I got this lucky? Do I need any more of anything?
I smiled at him, until

“Ow… Nyle the baby” I said my belly pained,

“I think it’s time” I told him as I could feel my pain getting worse


(Few hours later)

“Kiara” I said looking at our daughter, to which Nyle looked at me, and nodded smiling

“Kiara Waters! Sounds perfect, just like you” he said and kissed my cheeks,

I placed Kiara on the cot slowly and turned to my husband.

I know Nyle was damn good looking back then… But this version of him,...

And the surprising part here is, he is mine. One and only mine! Days were gone were I secret crushed him, now I have all the right to look at his face and his body and his everything right in front of my eyes. I never knew looking at someone’s face with their consent feel this happy. And to make it worse, he’s fucking smiling at me.

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