Unexpected guest

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POV: Nyle

"My god, Your eyes" I said looking at her confused yet magical eyes,

She sighed and turned her head back towards the road,

"I'm not surprised that you're scared by my eyes. I just don't care, come on hate me all you want, go on you can drop me here, I'll find my way home!" she said as if she's tired of everything.

"Scared? Do I sound like I'm scared?" I asked disappointed at her reaction, Why would I be scared for gods sake? And no ways in heavens that I'll leave her here, She went silent

"Have you even looked at your eyes?" I asked breaking the silence because there's no way she's feeling insecurities of her eyes

She quickly turned her head towards me and said,

"Of course I did, and that's why I always wear a contact! Can you do me a favour?" she asked me not giving me a chance to reply for her first statement,

"Yes, what is it?"

"Can you find me the cloth that was tied around my eyes? I didn't know where I left it. And if you can't find it, please buy the contacts from the pharmacy, I really need one!"

"Matilda Please!" I begged I don't know why,

POV: Matty

"Matilda Please" he begged

My heart skipped a beat, I never knew my name can sound like THAT, I don't know what to do with him, I really need some distraction like really. I was angry how he's saying everything like its just don't mean anything, for example, when he said, 'Just keep looking at me' I literally lost it then, it took all of my strength to not lose it, thank god I didn't said anything stupid. I thought that was all, but no. He said that my eyes are not scary, and that he want to look at them, And Fuck I couldn't see his expression, if I could, I would've seen whether he's playing with me or he's actually serious

I don't know whether I'm angry or happy about all of this. I need someone to talk about this,

"You heard what the doctor said, I should not get angry, but I can feel I'm getting angry which is not good, so drive" I said monotonously I'm being honest,

"Why? Did I said something wrong?" he asked concerned

"Yeah you did, now please drive" I said closing my eyes and leaning back on the car, I heard the car door open

"Where are you going? Nyle are you here?" I asked swaying my hands towards the driver seat,

My hands made contact with something soft, That's not a seat for sure, I further touched to know where he went,

"Done exploring my neck?" Nyle's voice, I jumped back to my seat,

"what the... Nyle, you scared me... I called you, why didn't you respond?" I asked back trying hardly to hide my red face. I heard him chuckle,

"Relax Orange, its alright. I'll go buy the contacts that you asked for! Though I would love to see your eyes for my whole life, if you're not comfortable with it then you don't have to do it. So, I'll go and be back in a few" he said and I heard him get down and closed the door.

"My god, I was touching his neck and he was so cool about it? Why can't I be like him playing it of like 'Its cool' Fucky shit! UUhhh. I hate this!" I said patting my cheeks as I was damn sure that it looked like a tomato, I can't afford to be like this in front of him. And again he commented about my eyes!!! I don't have anything to say anymore, I guess god have other plans to which I was definitely not prepared of.

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