My Me

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POV: Matty

“I like this song Thee, Don’t change it!” I said tuning my favourite song

“I won’t! Only if you stop shouting”

“I’m not shouting, I’m singing”

“I see… well, Matt, I guess I have a job for you in the Army” Thee said

“A job? Really? What kind of job” I asked curious about the conversation, where my mom and dad was fast asleep in the back seat.

“you just have to do what you usually do” Thee said looking straight ahead,

“What do I usually do?” I asked rather to myself

“Shout. You just have to shout, uh, Sorry, I mean, you just have to sing, in front of our enemies from other countries, until they say the truth. Like a punishment!” he said

“Wow, are you kidding me?” great

“Nope” Thee said and giggling, soon it turned into a laughter, still he continued

“I know you were dumb when you were younger, Seriously Matt, took you this long to understand this?” He laughed as result my mom and dad woke up

I nodded, “I’ll get you for this, Theodore PINK” I said pressuring the PINK name, as I know he hates it to the core

“Matt, you done it on purpose right? Dad, Who the hell named you PINK? Seriously?” he asked looking at him through the review mirror

“Exactly! The same question I asked my dad!” Dad said nodding his head negatively

“What’s bad about the name ‘Pink’?” my mom asked to which she gained three pairs of glares from all of us, she laughed at our expression,

“Thee, where are we actually going?” I asked

“Don’t know Matt, I’m just driving aimlessly, Dad, where are we going?” he asked turning his head

“Great!” my mom said resuming her sleep

“weren’t you supposed to be aware of knowing where are we going?” I asked, Wow his team must be one hell of a team, having him as a captain

“Don’t worry Matty, he knows where to go. He was just messing with you” My dad said calmly, resuming his sleep

I looked at the creature sitting in the driver seat, he raised his eyebrows at me,

“Theo, on a serious note, Your sense of humour Sucks!!!” I said looking straight ahead

“Ha ha ha, yeah right, I know you love it!” he said laughing, he was not wrong though

“What the fuck? How dare you” I woke up to someone shouting.

My cheeks were wet, indeed I do drool! I wiped, my cheeks then adjusted my hood and looked for my brother. He was not in the passenger seat, the car is not even moving. On the back seat, my mom and dad were asleep, seems like they’re dancing on their dream

“How dare I? How dare YOU?” that was Thee

“what the hell is happening?” I said getting out of the car.

There, few feet away from the car, Thee was standing and shouting at some one, I couldn’t the see the latter’s face as Thee’s back was to me. I went near them.

“Its your mistake idiot! you were in the wrong lane”

“Thee, what’s going on?” I asked going behind him, holding his hand to calm him down

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