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POV: Matty

I woke up with something heavy on my head,

It’s like something sitting on my head, and something went into my nose, making me sneeze my head off,

And then my head felt light so, I sat up slowly to see what’s that thing which was sitting on my head, then I saw whose that little cute bastard was.

It was my parents pet “Zulu” A cat.

And then one more thing I hate the most, is that CATS.

They’re the laziest beings on the earth, I think. Eat and sleep are the main job for them.

My parents love cats. They think it’s a very cute creature.

When they brought the cat home, I argued my ass off to let it go, because that I hated cats. But somehow, they acted like they didn’t heard me and continued on raising the cat.

Me and My Bro love Dogs much, they are like my friends and the active animal and more friendly in nature. I think I can live my whole life with dogs.

I had asked my parents for raising a dog, they said the dog’s hair are more allergeic (as if cats aren’t!).

But in the future when I have my own house, I’ll make sure I have a dog.

I saw Zulu cleaning its paw with its tongue, as if that’s the interesting job in the world. I got angry, Because I told my parents to not to let the cat inside my room!

I shooed Zulu and went downstairs. My mom and dad were talking something, I went straight to the two of them,

“Why the hell Zulu was in my room today? I told you not to let it in my room, Mom?" I asked my mom

“It’s just a cat darling, it wouldn’t bite you” she said sweetly

“I know It wouldn’t bit me, but you guys know I hate cats!” I told them a bit louder than intended.

“Ok, we won’t let it happen again, but you should stop shouting. It’s not good for your health” my dad said, coming closer.

“Whatever” I rolled my eyes and went to my room to get ready for the school.

15 minutes later I’m done bathing and standing in front of cupboard to choose what to wear for the day.

Obviously, a hoodie, to hide my hair, but the colour does matter right?

I found my white hoodie, one of my favourites, because that’s my brother’s. It’s full white in colour with a black letters ‘COOL’ in the front centre and two pockets on the side. I miss him so much; it’s been two years since I talked to him.

whenever I wear this hoodie (Which is not often) I feel safe.

I grabbed that and wore a simple tee inside the hoodie and grabbed black jeans to complete my outfit.

Today I’m not gonna tie my hair in to a bun. Do you wanna know why? Because “I’m fucking late” I muttered to myself and went downstairs and out of my house.

Usually I’ll say “I’m out” to my parents to let them know that I’m off to school, but today as its already late I couldn’t do that.

Anyway, they’ll know, If I’m not in the house then obviously I’ll be off to school!

I’m practically jogging to the school. As I don’t have any friends, I have no rights to ask for the free ride.

Halfway to the school my phone started ringing in my pocket, I grabbed it and saw the caller ID, it was my mom, I pressed green
“What?” I asked 

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