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POV: Matty

Yeh, ‘What the fish is happening’ I thought exactly at the same time as my SJ, But both our emotions are different.

When Gustie came to my table, I thought she was just gonna talk to me, but to my utter surprise, ‘She had invited ME to sit with her and her friends’ I was totally shocked, in a good way totally

I got friends…”Oh yeah” I fist bumped myself and I got to sit with my SJ

“Gracias god, you made my day”

I was really happy, I’ve never been this happy at all in my life. Miracles are true, its actually happening

‘Its not like she asked you to kiss Nyle, stop overreacting!’ my mind reminded me

‘But hey, I can actually see his face every day, that was more than enough for me’ I thought

So here I am (Inside) smiling from teeth to teeth like a goose, but on the outside looks like normal, (i.e) Bored.

But I’m bit nervous about Ny and his friends, I know they are not that bad to say, ‘You can’t sit here, go sit at the trashcan!’ Of course they won’t but my nervousness is all about Ny,
What if he’s still angry about the slap I gave to his friend?

What if he asked me to leave the table?

What if…..

My mind is full of questions, I burned them behind my brain and went with Gustie. Her friends gave me a warm welcome, everyone greeted me just like the first meeting, except for the person by whom I wanted to be acknowledged, Ny hasn’t even looked at me

‘His lunch must be so good, that he forgot the world’ I convinced myself
I nodded to everyone, I was disapppointed that he didn’t even acknowledge me.

I took seat between Aiden and Gustie, I was about to eat my lunch when I noticed that everyone was having their own lunch boxes,

“You guys take lunch box to school?” I asked to no one in particular

“Is there a problem with that?” Ny asked, looking at me

“No, um… I mean… I… Uh..” I stuttered.

I was never a stuttering type, Nyle’s sudden question got me off guard, I was still searching for an answer. Thankfully Dave answered my previous question

“Its Aiden, He’s mom of our group, he’s the one who asked us to bring lunch from home saying, ‘Its not good for you child'" Dave said making a face, imitating Aiden

“Hey, That’s not how I sound” Aiden said narrowing his eyes playfully
Thank god for saving me again.

Everyone started eating, I looked around the table and that’s when I noticed Philip sitting in the table ,

‘Oh my….’




We had plan. Are they alright now? Did he told his love for her? There were lots of questions in my mind
I waited for him to notice me, but he was sincerely looking at Gustie who was eating in silence.

I waited, but still he hadn’t taken his eyes from his princess, I gave up. But I need to know what had happened, if they made up I’ll be the first person to be happy. But I can’t ask Gust. What if I’m wrong and make her again feel sad?  I don’t want that.

The only option I have right now is to ask the other person beside me, which is Aiden, I went near him,

“Tsk Tsk”! I gave a sound to get his attention,
He frantically searching for the sound,

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