Planning and executing

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POV: Matty

I woke up at 7:30 in the morning, brushed and got dressed, made my hair into a bun. I'm super exited as it is Friday today! 'So, tomorrow is Saturday'

'Yeah, and day after tomorrow is Sunday and then Monday.. blah blah blah...' my mind said

But hey, tomorrow's saturday and it's the day me and Phil planned something important, and I hope it'll all be good

I went downstairs and saw my dad eating pop tarts.

"Pop tarts? in the morning?" I asked as I got myself some. Seriuosly, who doesn't love it?

"Sweet doesn't need time pup.... uh.., Matty" he again corrected himself, thank God.

My mom came with a pot of something, 'Spehagatti, wow...' I was about to say it out loud but controlled myself though I couldn't control myself. As a result my mom had seen it, before I could retain my stonic expression.

Its not that I don't want her to see me happy, its just that, she doesn't even know that speghatti is my favourite dish and I don't want my expression to show it out.

"It's your favourite right? Here eat this!" my mom said smiling and handing me a plate full of spheagetti.

I looked at her shocked, how did she knew? I mean how? I've never...

"Come on Matty, you're my daughter" she answered my unasked question

I'm looking at a person who is different from my so called mother 14 years ago. This was not her, she had clearly changed, in a good way obviously!

But that doesn't change everything my mom and dad done to  me, not even point one percent!

I nodded and took the plate and started eating, after I licked my plate (literally), I looked up and saw my parents looking at me 'Weird'

"Uh, aren't you guys eating" I asked.

They just smiled again, 'Creepy'.
I looked at the wall clock, it showed 8:15. I was fucking late. I should run to school if I don't want to be late

"Oh oh.. I'm late, I'll be leaving" I said immediately picking up my bag

"Wait Matty, I'll drop you!"  my dad said

I felt relaxed, I let out air which I didn't know I was holding

"Thanks dad" I said

"Um... Mom, can you pack this for my lunch? If there's plenty of it only! I mean if there's any leftover after you guys ate.. uh...!" I stammered

My mom laughed and went into the kitchen, and ladies and gentlemen, my second embarrassing moment. I've never done this since 14 years, now I have to admit I'm a bit embarrassed.

All the while my dad tried hard to not to laugh. Mom came back from the kitchen and gave me a box full of speghatti,

"Here, eat good" she said and added

"You can ask me anything Matty!" with longingness and guilt

I nodded and followed my dad to the car

I love this. This feeling when you get while knowing that there's a hope for them to love me. It felt really good
It's just a five minutes drive,

"Ok, I'll be leaving" I said getting out of the car

My dad nodded smiling and then left.
Everything felt good today, 'Weird' I thought. I went inside the school,

'Thank god or for dad, I'm not late' (Hey again rhymed, sorry I'm not gonna mention it again)
I saw Aiden waving at me and I nodded

"Hey Matth..." he was about to call me Matthead, so I was about call him 'Aids', but before I finish, he changed the 'ead' to 'y' so, I changed 'ds' to 'en' (If its difficult, just read it again please, ha ha ha )

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