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POV: Matty
“Matt” I heard a voice in my dream, the voice belongs to my brother

‘Matt’ that’s how my brother used to call me, I miss this name, I miss him.

“Matt, get up” the said voice said again in my dreams followed by a laugh,

I don’t where is he or what is he doing. I don’t think he actually miss me as much as I miss him. Wait is he still alive?

“Matt! for gods sake I AM alive, now get up your lazy ass out of the bed” again I heard his voice,

So, now he started coming in my dreams, weird, but…..

I felt water on my face,

“What the fuck, I was dreaming…, It wasn’t dream! Theo!!!” my brother is here, Theo’s here, he is here blood and flesh oh my god.

I jumped from the bed and hugged him tightly around his neck, he lifted me off the bed and swing around, we were embarassing each other for quite sometime.

I don’t know at what point I started crying, but the tears started dripping from my eyes I sniffed back the tears before he could watch and make fun of me, then we leaned back

“Wait, you cried?” he asked surprised,

“No, whose crying, I’m not, see there’s no tears in my eyes” I said opening my eyes widely

He looked at me suspiciously “Of course, you’re aren’t!”

“I missed you Thee” I said truthfully,

“I don’t think you did” he said sitting in the bed and added

“Because If you did, you would’ve picked up the phone at least once”

“What, you called?” I asked surprised

“Well, yeah. A lot of times actually, I thought you were dead, that’s why I came to check on you” he joked

“Sorry, to disappoint you, I’m still alive” I said

“Missed you Mat” he said giving me a side hug and added

“Especially your hair noodles” he said swaying my uneven hair.

“Hands off the hair mister” I said lifting his hand off my hair with my arm

“Oooh, I’m so scared… haven’t changed much huh” he said patting my head

“Stop treating me like a baby, by the way when have you arrived?” I asked

“First of all, you’re still a baby, and secondly, I came here early morning, met our parents downstairs, and came upstairs to see you, you were sleeping and not to mention the drool all over your face…” he started

“What? Drool?, I don’t drool, it’s the water you poured, you idiot” I said still wiping my face with my palm

“oh yeah? and sea water is sweet” he said, see where I got this metaphoric talent?

“And where’s your uniform, I thought you’d be wearing it when we meet, like how they show in youtube videos and all” I said, I actually wanted to see him in his uniform    at least once

“See, that’s why I said you’re still a baby” he said

I glared at him

“What? We don’t wear uniforms when we’re not in field and also I’m not here to shoot a video” he said

I nodded saying I understood and got up from the bed

“Matt, is everything alright?” he said sitting straight

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