Philtie plan

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POV: Nyle

I woke up by the alarm sound in my room.

I’m a morning person. Though I don’t like the irritating sound of my alarm I like to wake up early in the morning.

The morning view you get at Manhattan…, just amazing.

I had already woken up but still lying in the bed, thinking about yesterday’s incident, slowly I felt myself grew angry. Just the thought of her made my blood boil.

I’ve never felt this much hatred for anyone, except her.

God, I've never even scolded anyone, let alone slapping a girl, but she deserved it!

How could she slap Gustie?


Not only  Gustie, whoever it is, what Matty done was undoubtedly wrong.

I don’t regret even 0.1 percent for slapping her, because that brat deserved it.

I really wanted to get her out of my mind, cause if I don’t…. my day won’t be a good day!

So, I slowly got up from the bed, washed my face, put on a tee and sweats, then my sneakers and went for my morning walk, which is my usual, minus the days when I’m really late. 

I really loved the feeling, I get after I stepped out of the house.

The fresh morning air brushed my face and hair. Though it is a bit cold, I don’t mind at all. I loved morning walk, It’ll refresh your whole body.

A hour and half after walking, I came home, took shower and got ready for school.

I went downstairs, my dad was holding coffee mug on one hand and  trying to turn the pages of  newspaper simultaneously.

“Morning dad, why don’t you drink the coffee first and read the newspaper?” I asked smiling.

“You know what, you’re right Ny!" he said laughing, he placed the newspaper on the table, amd started drinking the coffee.

I shook my head at his craziness and went to the kitchen. I saw my mom cooking breakfast,

“Hi Elizabeth” I said changing my voice in an attempt to scare her,

“Morning Ny, had a good walk?” she asked without even looking at me,

“Oh, come on mom, how did you know it was me?” I asked with a dramatic sigh,

She turned around and smirked at me, “How could I not find my son’s voice?” She said smiling, I rolled my eyes

“Come on Breakfast’s ready, call your sister!” Mom said arranging the dining table.

“Ok Elizabeth” I said mockingly, she gave a fake glare. I laughed at her and went upstairs.

I’m standing in front of my sister’s room, and without thinking, I knocked on the door loudly, thrice.

Like really loud, just to irritate her.
The door suddenly brust open, revealing my sister Lea (Nyle + Nyla = Lea).

“Fuck Ny, you scared the shit out of me”, she said angrily

“No cursing child” Shouted my mom from down stairs.

“I’m sorry Lea, I just wanna irritate you”, I said giving a fake sweet smile.

She laughed at my weird smile, and it made me laugh too.

The thing about Lea’s laugh is that, it’s contagious. Once she started, every one will start laughing not even knowing the joke.

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