Untitled Part!!!

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Phil was standing there smiling from ear to ear, I wonder what made him this happy that he didn't go to his classes instead roaming in the lobby?

"What?" I husked he motioned me to come outside. Seriously! I don't own this school, to come and go whenever and where ever I want. Though I would like that.. Uh..oh off the point

I was about to say 'No, I cant!'

"Matilda" I heard the teacher call me, immediately I turned my head from the window

"If you are not concentrated in class, you can very well get out" he said

"Oh, thanks" I said packing my things,

I guess my actions angered him more because just before I'm stepped out of the class, he said,"Matilda Pink, wait a second, I have an announcement to make" he said giving a sweet (fake) smile,which is only directed at me!

'Uh... oh..! What could it be though'

"Class! Whoever fails in upcoming maths exam, have to be in detention till you finish high school!" he said the last part looking at me!

"What the 'Actual fish' is that!" I said to myself

The whole calss was looking at me venomously

"Oh.. great, just great!" I don't know what have I gotten myself into...

"You may leave Matilda, and you're welcome!" he said too sweet

"Shiiiit" I used to have a bit of respect for him, not anymore. At all.

"Fucking shit, A whole high school, with detention? F-u-c-k"

I exhaled sharply and went without another word.

"What the fuck is your problem?" I asked when I got to Philip and immediately felt bad for cursing, all my angry towards that teacher suddenly turned to him

He looked at me shocked not saying anything. I composed myself and tried to control my anger.

"Sorry! Anything important?" I asked calmly this time, at least that's what I thought.

"Having a bad day?" he asked

"Yeah, sort of, had an argument with a teacher. Well actually, him asking me to get out of the class, that's it!" I said

I don't want to say something like,

'Hey I think I'm gonna be in detention for the rest of my high school after this fucking exam',
see how dumb that's sounds? yeah, that's why!

"What about you? Why are you not in your class?"

"Mm, um... I just.. just wanted to talk to you about Gust!" he said

"So you just came here to disturb be and got me out of the class huh?" I joked.

I was expecting him to laugh at my joke instead he looked at me serious as if I offended him, still shocked

"Uh..oh..., okay. I'm sorry! Sorry, I won't disturb you again, you can.. I don't know, you can... I'm sorry, I'll leave!" he stuttered and was about to leave

I looked at him like 'Seriously'?

"Dude, that was a joke okay? A joke!" I said incredulously.

He stopped looking shocked. and said,

"Oh...Oh.. okay!" he said laughing nervously

"Seriously, I don't know why no one get my jokes, except Gust. Maybe I do look like a monster!"I said looking down, at myself

To which Philip burst into laughter, I looked at him up and down

"Well, Ok,.. haha, ok. that was not supposed to be a joke though" I said confused

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