What the FISH is happening?

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POV: Nyle

'True love never fails' I think this quote have no meaning at all or its not true, I realised it from the recent days events.

How can a persons life can change from top to bottom within one day?

It's dreadful to watch my both best friends heart broken and that too because of 'ME'

Yes, its fucking 'MY' plan. Its all because of me. I don't know what was I thinking when I thought of that plan.

After the party we friends was not ourselves, we haven't talked to each other like usual, except Aiden.

He's being normal and being a good friend to Gustie consoling her, making her laugh. Here I am, fucking unable to do anything for my man Phil! I swear to god, 'I just wanted to help Gustie'

I let Phil to sit away from us, I let Phil to eat lunch alone.

The only thing which kept me going to school was my friends, but now, it's the only thing that holding me back from going to school.

I can't look at them separated from each other, if it weren't for my plan Gustie and Phil would be together, at least as my best friends.

"God, I fucked up" I mumbled angrily getting up from bed

Though I didn't wanna go to school, I can't hide like a coward, I should man up and face the facts. With that thought I got ready, I went downstairs. My mom and dad Lea were having breakfast. I hadn't told my parents about what happened, but Lea knows it, I had told her everything. I know she can keep it a  secret, she consoled me saying 'Its not your mistake'.

Its not that I don't want my parents to know, its just that, I don't wanna burden them with my problems.

They saw me coming downstairs and smiled at me, though they didn't know what had happened, they know something was off. They asked me few times, I told them its nothing, so they dropped asking me. That's why I love my parents, they exactly know were to stop pestering.

I said good morning and took a bread kissed mom, Lea and my dad and said good bye leaving to school. Half way to school, as usual, I saw Max and Dave and got a ride to school. They both hadn't actually talked to me, I'm afraid if they're angry at me. So I asked,

"Guys? Are you angry at me or something?"

"No Ny, why would we be angry on you? You just wanted to help and we wanted the same thing, Its none of our fault!" Dave said

"Yeah Ny, we thought you were upset and needed time . So, we haven't said much" said Max

Well that's a relief, I nodded at them. After a while of driving, we came to school, I went Straight to the classes Max and Dave followed behind. And no, there's no meeting of friends in the locker area

We sat down at our spot, Phil hadn't came yet, the class was almost empty except for me, Max, Dave and some other students. Guess I'm early.

After few minutes, Aiden came Followed by emotionless Philip. He must be the ride for Phil. I can't watch Philip like this.

There's no life in his eyes, though one side of me felt pity for Phil, The other side wanted me to drag him and smash his head on the wall for not understanding his own feelings.
Why can't he accept the fact he loves her?

'Oh damn, I'm going crazy' I thought.
Aiden sat behind me, I gave a nod and vice versa. Phil glanced my way, I tried to smile and somewhat succeeded, he smiled back

"God, I hate this!" I mumbled angrily, punching my fist on the table a little bit loud,

Aiden patted my shoulders as a comfort, I gave a nod.

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