Control me

13 6 0

POV: Nyle







Gustie and Philip were hugging like it's the end of the world, where That orange is smiling, like really smiling. After what felt like an eternity, Gustie and Philip leaned back from the hug. 

Phil saw me and came towards me,

"Ny... I'm sor..." Philip started saying

I punched him square in the jaw, both his jaw and my hands got injured... but I don't give a shit... He just gave me a mini heart attack, a punch wouldn't hurt like the former

"Owww, bro why?" Philip asked placing his palm on his cheeks, which was already covered by Gustie

"Why??? you asking me why? Because you deserved this! And now we're even" I said swaying my hands from the hurt

"Were you scared?" he asked with a bit of mischievous smile

Scared? To say I was scared will be understatement, I was shitless! Come on.. how will you feel when you hear something bad happened to your best friend, your buddy, your partner, your childhood friend... Exactly how I felt the same too

I just nodded negatively, supressing my thoughts

"I'm sorry Nyle, I should've told you... but the thing is I didn't have time. I already planned this with Matty, and I wanted to do this as soon as I can to get back to Gus.... I didn't even told my own parents about this... I'm sorry"

Matty...Did he just say Matty??? The hell

So, she knew all along and still lied to me about Phil when I asked about him. Great, just great!!! She is a real snitch, I will take care of her later, but soon.

"Its alright.. I'm really happy for you guys" I said smiling for real, and added

"Our friends? Where are they?"

"we're here.... Tada" came Aiden's voice followed by Max and Dave behind a curtain

"We were filming the whole seen just for the memory" Dave said Smiling happily

"By the way, the punch was smooth bro" Max said recreating the punch with his hands, to which he earned a playful glare from Phil.

"So, everyone know, except me??? I see!"

"Yeah, we just came to know about it during lunch today, where we saw Phil and Matty talking to each other on the bleachers, Obviously I suspected somethings not right, so.. we kind of overheard the plan and so, yeah that's how we know, I wanted to tell you but by then Matty already started the plan.." Aiden said pointing a finger at Matty, who stood clueless, and then she pointed Philip saying

"Its 'cause he urged me to"

I just shook my head by the fakeness

"Anyways, its alright Gustie are you happy now?" I asked looking at her

"As happy as I ever can be" she said in pure bliss, her childhood love and all her prayers got answered

I nodded, "Party this Friday, and the treat is yours Philip" I said pointing my finger at him

"Pleasure's mine" he said bowing lightly.

Perfect. So, this Friday lets get the revenge, and let the whole school know about the real Matty, the one behind the hood and the one behind the mask

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