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POV: Matty 

I got up from the bed to go talk to my parents, they deserve a chance, which I'm gonna give.

I went downstairs slowly,

"We've done a huge mistake Dan" I heard my mom say to my dad

I stood my stand just to hear some more, I don't want to eavesdrop but I can't help it

"we shouldn't have done that to her, just for the sake of others..." again my mom said, 

I couldn't see their expressions but I can say that she is surely crying. For the sake of who? I don't know. So, I went straight to them,

"For the sake of who?" I asked to both of them.

They both looked shocked and scared. Have anyone of you had your parents scared of you??? Le me!!! But, they've done a mistake they deserved to be what they are now.

"Mat... Mattty" my mom stuttered

"For the sake who mom?
For whom did you abandoned me? For whom did you hurted me? For whom had I lost my cherishable childhood to? I need answers."

"I'm sick of pretending giving 'I don't care' looks to anyone. I want peoples in my life, I've come to know the feeling of having them. I can't go back to the old me,..."

"I don't want to" as I said, my voice cracked a bit. 

No I'm not gonna cry not anymore, I hold back my tears 

"Please!!! I need answers from both of you"

"Matty, Come sit here" my dad called

I just stood there for a few seconds and reluctantly sat between them. As I said, I need answers...

"I don't think what ever we gonna say will make you fell less hatered towards us, if anything, that's the opposite. But I just want you to know that we love you Matty. We both do, Did and will do!" 

My dad nodded at mom and she wiped her tears and started speaking,

"Matty, We're sorry for everything we've done to you. No child deserve that kind of memories which we gave you. I was at fault here. Please show your hatered towards me after hearing what I'm about to say."  my mom said

Where is this going? Is it that a big deal, that they are sure I'll hate them. Will I be ok after this? 

"You remember our old house? The one we lived when you were little?" she asked

I nodded, how could I forget that place which held all my memories both good and bad, mostly bad.

"Yeah! There, we had neighbors. You don't know them. They had two children, a boy and a girl, Twins.

"Their mom was my friend from college, A closest friend of mine. Long back, one day she came to our house.

At first she was normal we talked about normal things, and then she talked about her daughter. After few minutes we came to know that her daughter had this peculiar disease,"

"she said she doesn’t know what to do as except her no one knows her daughter had this kind of disease. Not even her own family” my mom said as she a tear dropped from her eyes, she didn’t even tried wipe it off

My mind was too occupied to do or say anything, I just sat there silently or you could say blankly, so she continued,…

“I totally understood her, as I myself have a daughter. So I asked, is there anyway that I could help her, and she answered me affirmatively but hesitant for a minute and then she asked the one thing that I dreaded to do,….” she said looking at me, tears welled up in her eyes,

I could surely say that she is in agony, all the while my other side, my dad was anything but calm, started fidgeting….

what is happening

“That day, she asked me to hurt you…. in all possible way!” the one I call
‘Mom’ said


“Hurt me?” I said aloud to one in particular,

“Matty…. Please listen to me… Matty…” she pleaded

I smiled which says nothing but hurt. So, even outsiders are so eager to hurt me…. Wow. Thanks god . 

At this point I don’t mind my tears, not that its gonna stop even if I tried.

“So, you accept to hurt me for their child… Thank you so much mom, thanks dad” I said getting up from the couch.

I’m done hearing the answers, the more I hear the more I’ll hate them. I don’t want to…

“Matty please, hear me out…Matty..” my mom called started weeping

“she would’ve died if its not for you” my dad shouted

That made me stop, I stood where I was.. turned to look at them,

“Yes Matty, their daughter would’ve died by now if we didn’t do what we did” he continued

“It’s ok Ange, tell her she deserve to know. Though she get hurt its time for her to know the truth” he said to mom.

Slowly my mom stood up came near me and hugged me,… I just stand there

After few minutes of her hug she leaned back,

“The disease she had was Sindsiohd which means the more she see some one getting hurt the more she gets cured, as I said, its so peculiar, that one in lakhs have this kind of disease the less and less of what I said, the less chance of her survival."

"I know what I said will not change what we did, but I just want to you know that we loved you Matty, we love you…”

“Why me mom?” I asked

“I don’t know what to do Matty, your brother was a grown up then, he was at a stage where he ask questions for whatever that is happening, so we can’t act that way towards him.” she said and looked at me Guilt evident in her eyes,

“So, I don’t have other options, I thought if I could save a child’s life then I will and I have to, that was what I’ve been taught."

"But that doesn’t give me any rights to hurt you, I thought I could explain everything to you once you grow up and I thought I could make it up to you, though I know there’s no way for that now. But whenever you want to make it up, you started distancing yourself from us, that’s why your dad went to military, unable to see the hurt in your eyes.”

“I’m sorry baby. I’m so sorry, I shouldn’t have hurted you, the way you act towards us everyday shows that how much you’ve gotten hurt, we deserve it. We deserve more than that.” My mom cried, her shoulder shaking.

“Theo know about this?” I asked praying their negative answer

“No Matty, If he knew he wouldn’t let us do that to you, that’s why… that’s why….” dad stuttered

“you hurterd me when he is out of hearable distance”  I finished for him, to which he gave a guilty nod

Wow… I don’t know what to say, Should I be proud of my parents for saving a child’s life?


Should I feel ashamed of how they hurted a child and made the memories miserable?

To be frank I don’t feel either way… I just feel empty. I need time to process all this

“I need time” was what I said, I  left  them and went out

I don’t know where I’m going right now, just went where my legs took me, and that was my favorite hide out street, the one where me and Gust went once.

I sat down on the ground and unconsciously crying my eyes out,

“Are you alright” came my Angels voice from behind


Sad chapter again....?

I know, just hold on happy days are on the way🎉🎉🎉

By the way, there's no disease like that, just a made up one.

Enjoy reading💜

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