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POV: Nyle

Six Year Later

"Orange, Are you sure about this?" I asked looking up at her

"Yeah, I can't just go in front of him looking like a Cruella right? Help me Nyle" she asked, her hair all over her head, hood falling of her neck and a contactless eyes...

I sighed,... and grabbed her hand made her sit down on the ground and started with her hair,

"I'm not sure about this" I said

"You've done it a number of times... what now?" she asked

"I'm not talking about making your hair,.. I'm talking about the whole 'Dating JASON' thing!" I said not hiding my disappointment

"Not again Nyle, we've gone through this already... I like him and he likes me, I just want to give it a try!" she said sinking in her thoughts

"Like him? You haven't even seen him? I don't trust that Guy! Why do you wanna go on a date? You have me, tell me where do you wanna go I'll take you there!" I spoke my thoughts.

I really don't trust the Jason, his looks scream danger, I will never allow Orange be in the same room as him, But this girl is so adamant and even wants to go on a date with him. 'Fuck him' I thought

"Are you done?" she asked referring to her hair

"Yeah!" I said giving my final touch to the hair... and smiled at my work. She quickly got up from the ground and turned to me..

"Please select a dress for today?" She asked looking unsure

"Are you kidding me? I'm not gonna do that! You can just go like this, you're still cute" I said

"Stop joking, and help me..."

"Will you ever take me seriously? I'm not joking... I'm telling you I don't trust that guy and you're not only going on a date with him but asking me to pick you a dress! The audacity you have is sky high Orange I'm telling you!" I yelled not hiding my anger

"Why are you Yelling?" she asked angrily

"Me...? Wow... Now I'm the villain here? You know what? I'm going out and I'm locking the door! You stay here" I said taking the keys with me and went out locking the door with her inside. I went to a nearby café and sat on the Stall bench, I was breathing heavy with anger

I don't know why I'm acting like this. After we finished our schools her Parents allowed her to go to college on my compulsion, I told them that I'll take care of Orange, She even refused her mom's help and trusted me... After six years, we're finally finishing the University.

At first we both tried staying in a University's hostel, but the bullies was too much to handle so I suggested that we could rent a room and stay there until we finish the studies. She accepted without second thoughts. She was still the same old Orange with who I was used to grow up with, still covering her hair and wearing contacts, except when she's home.

I was kind of proud to know that she can feel free and not be in secured about her. But recently this Jason guy starts messing with me, It was obvious that he just wants to mess around Orange and I fucking don't like it. Last few months it was hell for me. He follows like a plague.

The idea of dating anyone never crossed my mind, even if I did got the idea, I felt like I'm betraying someone for an unknown stupid reason.

But Orange being her... came and told me that she was going on a date with this Jason yesterday. I thought she was just joking and let it slide, but today she's actually getting ready for it.

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