It all Began With A Spark: Chapter 1

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Quick steps, that all I needed. It was dark, like walking through the night. I quickly went around the corner to my left as I saw the light of the kitchen glowing faintly as I slowly moved towards the cupboard next to the fridge. I slowly moved my right hand over towards the shelf as I quietly opened the cupboard door as I grabbed the item in question.

Y/N: Easy peasy, now for my reward.

I grabbed the bag as I slowly opened the top as I saw the contents inside. Warm, chewy, hand sized chocolate chip cookies, ripe for the taking.

Y/N: Mmm, chocolate chip.

???: What are you doing?

Y/N: Ahh!

I looked back to see a a average sized man, he had brown hair and a slight beard as he was tapping his foot and his right eyebrow was raised. I held my hand against my heart as I breathed out a sigh of relief.

Y/N: It's just you Ayden, I thought it was like a ghost or something. Or worse...I don't really know what's worse.

Ayden: And I knew you would be doing something dumb Y/N.

Y/N: What? It's just a midnight snack.

Ayden: You know we all share that fridge, right? We are in a dorm, its not take what you want and not pay someone back.

Y/N: I always pay you guys back. Your acting as if I'm some freeloader.

Ayden: Your lucky your probably the smartest one here, otherwise there would be some problems.

Y/N: See? What's there to worry about? Now let me enjoy these in peace.

Ayden: No can do, those are for next week. Jake is having a party and I made those for him. You can have one then, but now just put them back.

I looked at him for a second as I sighed and put the cookie back into the bag and back onto the shelf near the fridge as opened the fridge and grabbed a soda.

Y/N: Can't have shit man.

Ayden: Hey, its one week. You can wait.

Y/N: You do realize that Jake prob hates me, right?

Ayden: He needs to forget that shit already. It's been a year since it happened, and all that radiant shit is still new. So what that you burned his room?

I sat there in silence. It had been 10 years since the first light, the large light in the sky that caused all the radianite to appear. Radianite, the material that brought upon huge changes within the world. New inventions, new innovations, it gave solutions to problems never thought to be possible. But with that came... Something else.

A power, born within people exposed to it too much. It gives them supernatural abilities. Harnessing the Wind, Darkness and even the power that can grant life back to the dead is possible.

It was the same for me... 10 years ago, a blaze within me set alight.

Ayden: You good?

Y/N: Yeah, I'm fine. Just feeling a bit hot.

Ayden: Of course you would be, you have fire powers

Y/N: Thanks, your a real piece of work, aren't you?

Ayden: I'm sorry. Listen, you have been trying to control it as much as you can, we've all been seeing that.

Y/N: It's whatever, just having some control over it is fine for me.

Ayden: Listen, the party is next week on Friday, just be there, you know Anna would want to see you there too.

Y/N: As if.

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