The Squad!: Chapter 39 Saga 2

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Narrator POV

Cypher watched his cameras intently, so much so that it was almost like he was drilling holes in the cameras around the site in Tokyo, Japan: Split. He adjusted the angles as he watched over the city itself, but then kept switching his views around the city to the site.

Cypher sipped more of his tea as he was trying to notice any differences that sustained over the few hours that he was watching them. He grabbed a file from his desk and looked over.

The file was a collection of personnel from the Kingdom building, the main manufacturer of weapons that were being produced in Asia. Hundreds of names from the file appeared as he was trying to sort his brain for the information from the file, but to no avail.

Cypher: There has to be something here, something that I am not seeing.

Cypher hated not knowing, but much more, he hated people knowing things more than he did. It was a small pet peeve of his, and while others didn't find it that annoying, he hated the feeling. Like a never-ending puzzle he could never solve.

He always liked challenges, but they were the challenges on his terms, things he knew he could do, but that took time and effort. He loved games like chess and checkers, but he hated this game of hide and seek that he seemed to be playing.

Then, he saw a face within the file, an American male, born 35 years ago and working for the Kingdom for the last 8 of those years. The face reminded him of someone, something he couldn't grasp, like it was on the tip of his tongue.

He took a picture with a small device on his face as he put the small device into his large computer in his room. The face was then placed into the computer as Cypher clicked quickly on his computer.

Cypher: This man... How interesting. Let's do a quick back track of this man, perhaps something I've seen before.

The computer analyzed the man's face, tracing back to other people that looked very close to the man in question. The only difference was the people had a key difference that made it difficult to look at the man in question: Todd Stayer.

Cypher tapped his gloved hands on the desk as the computer took its time looking for anything that could resemble or relate to the man. Pictures of what seemed to be his family, pictures of him in high school and other younger pictures showed. But there was a problem.

Cypher: Hm, this man knows how to hide himself well... But not well enough, not from me.

The pictures were not the same, even the picture from him starting the job eight years ago wasn't the same man. There was similarity, but it just wasn't enough to say they were the same, only for people to think they were the same from the pic.

Cypher: So who are you really? I would love to know. Now I just need to look through the people from the edits.

The Computer analyzed the photos from the past, but this time different pictures came up. A different family, different schools and different friends. Cypher smiled to himself as he took the photo that was recent as he typed to the computer to reanalyze from the origin.

Cypher waited, about 10 minutes as the computer was showing hundreds and thousands of faces that he looked through quickly, but not close enough.

Cypher: No person actually looks like. Perhaps a person with a Radiant to disguise their face and body? No... We would know about it quicker than anyone else. Then who...

He thought back to the mission details: Try and find evidence to show that they wanted to get to Split through any means necessary. Make sure Frost doesn't try something dangerous...Frost.

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