Sacrificing Everything I Knew: Chapter 5

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Narrator pov 

Viper threw up three of her poison bombs as they spread across the area around her and you. You quickly held your breath as you ran through the poison as you rolled quickly and pointed the gun upward. You took a moment to aim as you pointed it straight at a sniper's head as you pulled the trigger.

Their heads went back as they fell to the ground dead. You winced with guilt as you kept moving as you made yourself visible to the rest of the snipers.

???: It's a man! Get him!

???: You fool that's not the one who came in-

His words stopped a bullet going straight into his head as he fell dead out of the rafters and into the poison down below. You kept running through the area as you kept moving forward as other snipers kept firing at you. You went behind a crate as you fired two bullets up top as that made the other snipers go back.

Y/N:( Shit, three bullets! I have to use them wisely.)

Viper moved through smoke as she went into the east corner as she climbed up the ladder towards the top of the rafters. Some of the snipers noticed as they aimed at her. You took the advantage as you pointed the gun towards them as you shot one in the back as they fell off the rafters into the poison. You heard a shot as you felt something go through your shoulders as you felt it for a moment.

Viper kept climbing as she made her way to the stop as she held her Spectre and unloaded the entire mag towards the area. Two of the snipers got caught in the fire as they both fell to the ground dead.

Viper( 6)

She looked around for the last one as she saw someone down below moving through the gas down below. You saw this as you shot the remaining two bullets at the figure as they missed.

Y/N:( Shit! I am out of bullets!)

You threw the gun to the side as you watched her move through the smoke as it began to dissipate. You saw how the girl was holding a bunch of glowing Radianite as there was a tie holding it together and a small timer on it.

Viper( That's the explosive!)

???: You fuckers think you so clever!? You have no idea what is going on. I don't care, nobody came here under the impression that we would live! We wanted to show, how much you fuckers cared for the Radianite! You and everyone from Valorant!

Y/N:( There it is again! What the hell is Valorant.)

Viper quickly sorted through her things as she noticed that all vials of poison were gone as she tried to find anything she could use to stop this girl.


She held up the bomb as the timer changed from what was 10 minutes to 3 minutes as she slammed it down onto the ground and pulled out a vandal and started firing it towards Viper as she ran back and took cover.

Viper: ( Shit! The timer is fucking shorter! I have to find a way to stop it now!)

Y/N: (What do I do?! I have to think, do something, anything!)

Your thoughts wandered back to everyone above you as you gripped your fists even tighter. Despite everything that happened within the night, you still cared for everyone upstairs, even if they didn't. You had to do something.

Ayden:( Don't you get it Y/N! I tricked you! We all did!)


Jake:( Don't you get it, Hot Hands! You are nothing!)

Y/N:( He's right, I have nothing but hot hands- That's it!)

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