Recovery, Wind Girl: Chapter 17 Arc 3

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You quickly sat up as you were breathing heavily. You had your hand on your chest, as you sat down slowly as you slowed your breathing down. All you saw was a small nurse-like room as you looked around the room for anyone.

There you saw Sage as she was typing on what looked to be a laptop of some sort. You looked towards yourself as you saw that your jacket was on a chair to your right and that you only had a regular long sleeve shirt. You looked to her as she heard you moving and turned around and half heartedly smiled at you.

Sage: Good to see you up.

Y/N: What happened? All I remember is... Wait, Breach! That rat bastard! Next time I see him I'll-

Sage: It was Kay/O that sent the final punch towards you.

Y/N: Kay/O, was that the robot?

Sage: Correct.

Y/N:... I guess... I kind of messed up, didn't I?

Sage: You messed up, and it would have been pretty bad, had you started the fight, but you didn't. In fact, I don't blame you. Breach has been walking all over new agents since recently, and with you... You're new, so Brimstone lessened the punishment.

Y/N: Damn....

Sage: It's only solo training for the next week, but his version of solo training means it's just one of the higher ups watching and helping you train.

Y/N: Sorry... I let his comments get to me, I should have just told him to fuck off.

Sage: Language... I think what you did was probably better.

Y/N: How so? I ruined training and beat him too, not to mention I had to have Kay/O get in the way.

Sage: Breach is... A unique breed of human. He has some things that rile him up easier than most. However , he has had this attitude towards Radiants for a long time, maybe it's something in his past, either way he has done this to most newcomers. I'm... Glad someone told him off, Brimstone has tried many times.

Y/N: I guess.

Sage: Don't let this deter you, young Phoenix. You have some of the most power we have seen in a long time, it's going to be a long journey until you learn the extent of your powers, and this protocol itself. As long as you follow the older agents, and learn along the way, you should be fine.

Y/N: Thanks Sage. Also thanks for the healing!

Sage: You mustn't thank me, I only got the outer wounds. Viper made sure your body was working fine.

Y/N: I guess that's another thing I owe her.

Sage: You should be fine to leave now. Take a rest, your training will start again tomorrow. And don't try and pick any more fights, at least for today, ok?

Y/N: I'll try.

Sage: There is some food in the common room, someone seems to like you enough to make you dinner.

You could tell that Sage was joking around with her last comment as you smiled at her and she did the same back.

Y/N: I hope it's something good.

You walked out of the room as Sage just sighed to herself and kept typing on her laptop. She held up what looked to be a small vial of what appeared to be a bright orange flame. She thought back to only a few hours ago as she sighed to herself.

Few hours ago.

Sage watched as Viper was standing over your unconscious body. She took out a small needle as she inserted it into your wrist. She saw how your body reacted with a small burst of flame within your hand. Viper quickly uncorked a small vial as she scooped the fire into the vial.

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