Heal Please!: Chapter 25 Arc 3

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Narrator pov

You felt the shifting pain from your body as you opened your eyes slowly to the rather dark area around you. You felt movement underneath with in the heat of whatever you were laying on. You groggily tried to sit up as a searing pain rose from your chest first, and then all around your upper body.

You slowly made your way up as your back was leaning against what looked to be a bedpost as you were breathing heavily. Your eyes adjusted to the darkness as you realized you were in the Medical bay hospital room, it was the personal one with the one room and the various medicines all around. Your mind wandered for a bit as you realized what happened...The attack...

Y/N:( Did we do it? Did we get him? Everything hurts....Owwwww.... I'm so thirsty)

You coughed a bit as you got up from the bed, with a little bit of effort. Your throat was dry as you moved to the door. You walked through the hallway as you saw multiple workers stop and stare at you as you were still in a hospital gown.

You made it to the common room, as you opened the fridge and searched through the backlog of drinks. Stocked sodas of all kinds as you smiled in glee and grabbed one. You quickly cracked it open as you took a big swig.

Y/N: Very nice...Now, where is...

You looked back at the door of the common room as you were staring back at Brimstone who was holding what looked to be new blankets. You both stared at each other as Brimstone blinked.

Brimstone started laughing, it was a small chuckle at first as it turned into a heart laugh as he moved to you. He put you into a decent hug as he looked at you.

Brimstone: You're ok... I knew you were.

Y/N: You thought otherwise?

Brimstone: Many did, you were banged up like you were hit by a truck... Many trucks, many large trucks....Many-

Y/N: I get it! But I'm glad to see that I'm all good.

Brimstone: I will tell Sage you are ok, just head back to the room so that we can check up on you.

Y/N: Right.

You walked back to the room as you stood around looking at all things around the room. You saw pictures of a young girl as she was standing next to what looked like her father and mother... It was Sage...

This was her medical room, the one she used when you were hurt before.

Y/N:( Must have been bad.)

You looked to the doorway as you heard quick footsteps quickly move towards the room. The door opened quickly as you saw Sage stare back at. Her eyes welling with tears as she gave you a big hug. You stumbled back a bit from the force, while she looked back at you.

Sage: You're ok... Thank god...

Y/N: All that squeezing and I won't be...

She let go quickly as she moved you to the bed as a shiny green orb formed from her hands as you felt a wave of protective energy wash over you. You felt the pain and the stiffness wash away.

She let go from your hug as you moved your body again. You felt so much energy and all but a little of the pain lingered from the nights before. You flexed a bit as you moved around.

Y/N: The pain is gone! Thank you- OWW!

Sage was grabbing your cheek as she had a look of annoyance on her face.

Sage: You and Sova both disobeyed the command that was given to you by both Brimstone and Kay/O, who both outrank you.

Y/N:( How does Kay/O out rank Sova?)

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