Flame In The Dark: Chapter 22 Arc 3

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Narrator pov

You stood in the office as the light began to turn off. You watched the last other guard from the other room leave as he went down the elevator. You quickly got up from the desk as you put your earpiece in as you saw the camera's go down.

Y/N: I am in position.

Cypher: I am disabling all the cameras now. You need to be quick, we don't have time to keep these off for long.

Y/N: I'm already going...

You quickly made your way to the elevator as you pushed the button to the top floor of the building. You waited in the elevator as you heard Sova speaking.

Sova: Remember, all you have to do is apply the point marker on yourself.

You pulled out the small device as you flicked it into the air. It was a coin shaped device that beeped small beeps as you pocketed it away.

Y/N: You are still outside, right?

Sova; Of course, I will get in there when I need to be. I have other things prepared in case something goes wrong, as long as we can shut down that suit, we have already won.

Y/N: I got you... I'm going up the elevator now. Are they watching as well?

Sova: Your body cam is being shown off to most of the agents in the Protocol. We need to make sure this goes right, we can't stay any longer in this place. Dorian leaves in the morning, we need to grab that suit and make sure it is never used in the wrong hands.

Y/N: I understand.....

Sova; Nervous?

Y/N: A little...

Sova: No time for that. You are a Valorant Agent, don't be nervous, it could mess up your aim.

You felt the shift of the elevator as Sova quietly spoke to you.

Sova: Come back, and then we can talk... Let us hunt...

You walked out of the elevator as you made your way down the hallway. There were still a few people, but they were getting to leave.

Y/N:( Just keep watching... )

Sova was watching as he was sitting in the vulture as it was flying high above the sky around the same time you were walking through the hallway. He had his bow and a few of his arrows in his quiver and the bow on his back. He was scanning through the monitor on a small phone-like device, as he was watching your body cam.

Cypher: We are watching you through your body cam, I will tell you the password to get to the bottom once you are there. Make sure you are not figured out...

Y/N: Right.

You kept walking as you were getting close to the elevator as others were walking with you.

Guy: Did you hear that Mr.Dorian is leaving tonight?

Woman: I know right, he and his daughter were so cute!

Guy: I heard other things...

Woman: You know rumor spreading is bad...

Guy: I heard he was going to China, where he can make another set of Kingdom Offices.

Woman: More? Good thing Kingdom is having more places, more jobs for everyone, right.

Guy: Yeah, can't complain about that!

Y/N:( I suppose everyone thinks about things differently.)

You walked into the elevator as you leaned against the wall as the two other worker were just talking.

Blinding Flashes( Valorant X  Phoenix Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now