Moving Towards The Future: Chapter 20 Arc 3

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Narrator pov

Roni walked through the office building as he spun a coin. He watched the people in the cubicles as they typed away. He smiled to himself as he walked away from the office area, towards his own office room. He opened the door to a normal office room as he sat in his office chair and spun towards the large window.

Roni: Great... A nice view towards a great day.

Roni knew that this was going to be a good day. He finally had his daughter with him, and it had been awhile since they've seen each other. He looked at the photo of her as he picked it up and smiled at it.

He heard his phone going off as it was the phone on his desk that the secretary used to call him for things he needed to know.

Secretary: He is here to see you, Mister Dorian.

Roni: Great, send him up.

Roni knew who this was, Doctor Rightfellow. Rightfellow was his right hand man, a good man as well, but he was the leading engineer in Radianite tech, for the main section in America. Roni smiled as the old man entered the room. His almost bald head and heftier build made him look jolly as he walked over to the desk and outstretched his hand.

Doctor: Roni!

Roni: Goodfellow, I suspect you have brought me good news?

Doctor: I have brought the most excellent news. We have increased company profits almost ten fold! Not to mention employment has been skyrocketing through the roof. We just hired another body guard the other day, a strong looking young man too.

Roni: Well isn't that swell. I knew investing in all the Radianite technology would be a grand payout, well I knew it at the time, and I know it very well now.

Doctor: You seem excited sir... I am glad to see that the changes to Radianite have gone through have been nothing but an utter success.

Roni looked out the window of his office as he saw a person being held down by a police officer. He saw sparks flying from their body as they were trying to resist the officer, it could only be a Radiant. He squeezed his office chair as his face had a large smile.

Roni: Do you see it, Goodfellow?

Doctor: I do, sir.

Roni: Kingdom was founded under the same idea that everyone else had at the time. What was this substance later known as Radianite, and what could we do with it?

Doctor: I know this well, sir.

Roni: I'm glad... Because I believe in the same ideals that the Kingdom has now. I want to know everything about this substance, what absolute power it could bring to the people. Not just... Radiants abusing their precious gifts.

The office chair began to crack under the force of his hand squeezing it so hard. The doctor smiled back as Roni watched as the Radiant was being beaten senselessly. He watched as blood covered the road below. The Radiant stopped moving as blood spread across the street.

Roni: There is nothing I hate more than defective products. More than anything, I hate those who take advantage of God's gift. It just isn't fair... IT'S JUST NOT FAIR!

Roni got up as he slammed all the stuff on his desk and gripped his desk tightly as saliva was dripping out of his mouth.

Roni: Soon... Soon they will know.

Doctor: You say soon, sir... But there is more news I haven't brought to you yet. I want you to see this in person. Follow me.

Roni: You can't be talking about-

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