Teamplay: Chapter 15 Arc 3

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Brimstone: Listen up! Today we have our new agent with us today. So today's training will be different from the regular things with robots.

You stood a little bit away from the group as you had your full attention on Brimstone and had your hands in your pockets. You didn't see Breach eyeing you from the front as he snickered to himself.

Kay/O Didn't care much for the pettiness anymore, he was much more focused on Brimstone rather than you or Breach.

Brimstone: Today's training will be all about Teamplay! You will all gather in teams of 2, and go against each other on the main field. The goal is elimination! You will have three lives, and for each gun shot that would kill you, you will lose a life. The team with the most lives taken wins!

Jett: Are our powers and other things involved?

Brimstone: Of course, you must use everything you have on the battlefield, so what makes this any different?

Raze: YES! Brimstone-Zinho! I knew you would let me go all out one day, and today is that day! You will all understand what it means to see color!

Brimstone: You can't use everything, Raze. Just use what we allow in training.

Raze: Dammit!

Brimstone: You all get ready as I set up teams. Watch the main board for your teams.

You watched as all the names of each Agent showed up on screen as they were then randomized through a cycle of names. It went as follows: Breach and Killjoy, Sova and Cypher, Kay/O and Raze, Jett and Phoenix.

Y/N: I am with Jett?

Jett: Well pretty boy, it seems we will be working together. Let's try and not lose all our points, ok?

Y/N: Uh, yeah. I want to show them what I can do!

Jett: That's the spirit! And show me too, I don't really know what you do, hehe~

Y/N: Yeah definitely!

Viper was watching from afar as Breach had already been looking elsewhere other than his partner Killjoy, who was also equally distracted and was not really focused on the training at hand. Viper walked over to Breach as he looked back at her.

Breach: What? Here to look after your golden boy?

Viper: What the hell were you saying back there?

Breach: Oh, I made you so mad! Whatever, you act all tough but I know your type all too well.

Viper: What makes you think that I can't just let you go?

Breach: Face it, doll. You need me, just like you need your golden boy over there. We don't, but you do. If I were you I would be on your fucking knees, begging me not to humiliate this reject.

Viper: I guess name calling is the next step, huh?

Breach: I don't know what deal you had to strike with that kid, but its a pretty damn good one. You expect any of us to believe he did all that he did!?

Breach was whispering more to Viper as she took off her mask.

Viper: You have no idea what you are talking about Breach, both you, Kay/O, and anyone else who wants to make these bold assumptions.

Breach: I bet, Next you'll tell me this kid can walk on water too. I will see what he does with my own eyes. But I don't see anything great... I will-

Viper: You. Will. Do. NOTHING!

Breach backed off a bit as he felt something small surge within him. He knew it was fear straight away. He knew that Viper had something within her, a small ounce of something that could truly frighten the biggest man. And Breach felt that.

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