It Started The Flame: Chapter 2

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You stood inside the dorm room sipping soda as you heard the loud blaring music bumping up and down as you sat there in the corner looking at all the party goers. For a dude's birthday party, this sure was... Loud.

You looked around as a sea of people came crashing into your current room from the kitchen as they cared Jake around like he was crowd surfing.

Jake was... Unique. He had a mess of blond hair highlighted white tips and he was wearing a party hat. He was a little more chunkier than the rest of the people but not big enough to be considered fat. He looked around as you saw him moving through the crowd as they put him down as he chugged a can of beer all the way through.


The crowd roared in agreement as the room got even louder as you sighed and kept sipping your soda. You knew that this would be loud, and annoying, but this was border line torture. You saw how the boys actually from the dorm were complaining to others and how some of them were leaving. You sighed as you walked into the kitchen.

Y/N: You know, I thought it would suck, to be in a loud, annoying, party made for idiots, and you know, I was right. Maybe a cookie would do me good.

You walked into the kitchen as you pushed your way past the kissing couples as you made your way towards the cupboard. You opened the cupboard door as you saw the bag as you grabbed and shoved your hand into it. Nothing.

You looked into the bag with nothing in it as you threw it to the ground as you grabbed another soda and moved back. You saw Ayden moving within the crowd as you tapped on his shoulder. He turned around with a smile and then saw your displeased face.

Ayden: I'm going to take it that you are not having fun?

Y/N: If you want to call this fun, then go ahead, but that's you. As for me this is the exact opposite of fun. I like loud, and bombastic and cool, but this is just fucking noise! And really bad music, who let Jake decide what to play!?

Ayden: He did.

Y/N: Of course.

Ayden: Look, there are cookies that you wanted last week, go have some, there are tons of snacks, I bet no one touched them.

Y/N: That is where you would be wrong. Apparently someone decided to take the initiative and wolf all of them down.

Ayden: How do you know it was one person?

You pointed away from Ayden as he turned around and saw Jake scarfing cookies in his hands. He looked to have had at least 6 in each hand as there was a big plate of what looked to be crumbs next to him as he sat on the common room couch.

Ayden: I see what you mean. Look, Y/N I get it, you are not having a good time, but c'mon man, you haven't talked to a single person here. I have seen girls look at you, that I never thought girls could look at us dudes with.

Y/N: First, you have the idea that any of these people here are worth talking to. Jake and all his friends only have one thing on their mind: Sex and Drugs. I am not saying I don't like the options, but you cannot talk about them all the time and expect me to not get bored. Second, you know for a fucking fact that all girls are just checking all the guys' crotches' to see who has the biggest so they can have the best one night stand. You know that for a fact.

Ayden: Y/N, Just come and talk with me, I promise not all the people here are bad.

Y/N: I doubt that, but if something bad happens, I need you to tell me you have my back.

Ayden: Of course, you know that. C'mon, Jake is just over there.

You and Ayden walked through the crowd of people as you made your way towards the large couch. You saw Jake sitting there with 2 women on each of his sides as he sat there drinking away.

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