Chapter 1 - ???

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Dawn breaks over the camp signalling the start of the most important day of my life. Today I, along with all the others from Stowu who had just come of age, would enter Bellit the city where the country's oldest temple was located. To ensure that everyone who was required to attend this ceremony did Elf guards had been sent to escort us on the near month-long journey to Bellit.

Quickly gathering up my belongings I exit my tent ready for the last hour walk into the city. I had packed up everything I owned before I left Stowu having no intention of going back after the ceremony. My entire life in Stowu I have been hated by everyone there for supposedly bringing misfortune to the village. They believed that a plague that arrived was my fault as well as any other disaster or misfortune to happen all because in their eyes I'm not one of them.

My father had been born there but left to find his soulmate only to return 3 years later with me but no wife, she had died giving birth to me. It was clear though by the red hair I'd inherited that she was from far away as no one they had ever seen had red hair. Yet another thing they've hated me for, they say my hair is unnatural the result of some spell or curse.

Now though I had a chance for a new start in a city and hopefully they would be less hateful than the little farming village I'd grown up in. I'd even heard that other races lived in Bellit, so it must be better. Having brought everything, I could with me I hoped to be able to make a living the same way I always had, loom work and embroidery. I had been able to make and sell fabric in Stowu but barely made a living there let alone have money to be able to do embroidery, which sells for more, often. Fairer prices for my fabric in Bellit will hopefully provide me with a better life.

This is my plan regardless of if I found my Stone or not. If I did, then hopefully they were either in Bellit or were searching for me themselves because I had no money to travel. That is the risk of the Stones you can spend your life searching for your match without finding them. Having never known love I'm fully prepared to live the rest of my life without it, but I still have a bit of hope that I will find my soulmate.

The excitement of today has gotten to everyone as we set out quickly for the city. Within an hour of walking the city came into view, buildings made of stone rather than wood and larger than anything I've ever seen before. The guard escort moves us quickly through the gates to the centre of the town to where the temple is located, a crowd already moving steadily through to the temple. As we join the crowd the guard captain takes off to the doors to report that we had arrived while we are in for a long wait to enter the temple.

Sure, enough it is after midday before I'm close to the doors and am given permission to enter by the Caretakers at the doors. I walk inside nervous now as I take in all the other people inside searching for their own Stone among the ones on display here today. Although it is the oldest temple in the country it isn't one of the biggest, so they had to be selective about the Stones stored here; rumours say this temple houses the most newly created Stones in the country as well as housing Original Stones created by the Gods themselves and that is why your first ceremony is always held here.

Everywhere I look there are displays of Stones, small ones laid out together on decorative mats and larger ones displayed on pillows. Walking to one of the tables I get a closer look at the Stones near the entrance, they look no different to stones that you could find out on the ground but something about them feels different. Not the overwhelming feeling though that is described as what happens when you find your Stone.

Further in the temple the Stones become larger and more polished then I start seeing precious Stones mixed in, I had never seen precious gems before so even the small ones are the most beautiful things I have ever seen. Like the other Stones I saw at the start these ones got bigger and more polished further on. I almost didn't know where to look surrounded by so many beautiful Stones, but I didn't feel anything different looking at them, so I continue walking, almost at the back of the temple now where displays and the Stones they showed changed again.

Jewellery is displayed at the back of the temple, there are more Caretakers present in this section of the temple than at the front but with the value of the pieces it isn't a surprise.; the feature jewel of each piece is a precious Stone. There is every type of jewellery imaginable from earrings to crowns and each piece has been designed by the holder of the other Stone who must give permission for the use of the unclaimed Stone. Thinking that I would never see any jewellery like this in my life I spend more time here taking in all the details of the jewellery noticing that some only contain the Stone while others are surrounded by other precious gems, but all are beautiful.

About halfway through this section of Stones I notice a small slightly set back room containing a single stand which is open for people to enter but is completely empty except for a Caretaker who was on watch in this small room. Curious I step inside wondering what sort of Stone gets a separate area and its own Caretaker. The stand holds a simple pendant necklace displayed on a red pillow; the Stone is a diamond set in the centre of the pendant connected to the outer gold ring by three diamond encrusted curved strands forming a slight flower shape. It is simpler than the other jewellery nearby, but I think it is the most beautiful piece of jewellery I've seen here.

Unable to resist I reach out and gently pick up the necklace, lightly brushing my thumb over the Stone. A feeling of right rushed through me followed immediately by a deep powerful voice echoing in my head "Stay. Wait." I sink down sitting on the floor content to follow the command as I admire my Stone. There was no doubt in my mind that this Stone is mine and hopefully judging by the voice I'd heard my Soulmate is on the way so all I have to do is exactly as the voice told me, wait.

So here is the first proper chapter introducing the female lead. Next chapter will be out on Wednesday but here is a quick preview.

Running outside I stand waiting by the doors for the arrival of the Lords. They are three of the most powerful beings in the world and some of the oldest as well. Although we don't know their exact ages it is rumoured that two of the Lords were born even before the creation of the Stones. They are all considered ancients by their respective species earning them the titles of Lords as well as great respect from everyone. However, they are also said to be extremely dangerous and have short tempers which we will likely be on the receiving end of today.

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