Chapter 10 - Emilia

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We've been flying for just over a week now and it has been exhausting, filled with nothing but flying and only occasional breaks to eat and stretch out legs. Kor would try and land within walking distance of a town or village when possible so that we had a bed to sleep in every night but there were two nights when we couldn't do that, so we slept outside instead. My mates apologised a lot every night that happened, but I didn't mind sleep outside, the weather is still warm, so we weren't cold and sleeping near Kor's dragon form is surprisingly comfortable.

Now though Kor is flying over the largest city I've ever seen, although as the only other city I've been to is Bellit that doesn't say much. But this city stretches out further than I'd imagined it would, there's a river running near the city with a port filled with ships while other ships are sailing along the river. The city has a large walled off area in the centre of the city which Kor begins to descend into, there is a garden in this area that is large enough for him to land in.

As soon as Kor begins to land people begin to gather around clearly waiting for him to finish landing and for the rest of us to get off his back. Like the last few days my legs are numb, and I struggle to stand on my own once Lilas and Bel help me down, so I just watch as Sliske immediately goes forward talking to some of the people gathered around us before walking away with them. Kor shifts and comes over to where the three of us were standing, taking me out of Bel's hold Kor lifts me effortlessly into his arms.

"My Lords, welcome back to Hadlau." A well-dressed man steps forward from the waiting group bowing to my mates, "The Council is waiting for you, if you'll follow me."

"No." Kor grunts glaring at the man. Next to us Lilas and Bel don't seem impressed either.

"We'll not be going anywhere until we see our mate settled down for a rest." Lilas informs the man who stares at me in shock as though he's only just seen me in Kor's arms, "Even then Kor will be staying with her while Bel and I speak with the Council."

"As you wish my Lords. I'll show you to your palace, some work has been done on it since your last visit." The man bows again before leading us through the gardens and past many large, impressive homes with their own gardens before we reach the largest house I've ever seen, I'd thought the castle was big but even from outside this is much bigger. It takes us a few minutes to walk through the front gardens before we're able to walk inside leaving the man who brought us here by the door, no doubt waiting for Lilas and Bel to return for their visit with the Council.

Even though they've told me that it's been over a decade since their last visit to Hadlau the three of them walk confidently through the palace to an elegant, expensive bedroom. I'd only just started to get used to the wealth of the castle, but this is something else entirely, the room is decorated with a beautiful white stone that I've never seen before. The whole room is decorated in white, gold and blue; the bed is already made and ready for us as Kor sets me down there. It's even softer than the one at the castle which I didn't think was possible.

"It's beautiful." I say looking around taking in the elegant decorations in the room as the others move around the room unpacking our belongings. On the opposite side of the room there is a small sitting area containing three small settees surrounding a fireplace, clearly meant for quiet nights together.

"We'll keep this room the same then but if there's anything you want to change just tell us. Like the castle this is your home now so you can do whatever you'd like here." Bel assures me, "Once you've rested a bit I'm sure Kor will give you a tour. It's the only palace in the capital, the Council insisted on giving it to us rather than another mansion, and there are better gardens here than at the castle." I can't wait to explore but at the moment I know I wouldn't be able to walk far.

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