Chapter 27 - Emilia

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"Lilas I'm fine. There isn't anything else the Healer can do. Just pass me the potion and this will soon pass." I complain waving him away from where he's hovering around me. Ever since I first started feeling sick he's been watching over my every move and it's only gotten worse after Healer Fayeth came to examine me. She gave me the most wonderous news though, I'm pregnant.

We'd immediately written a letter to Kor and Bel telling them the news but we don't know if they've got it yet. The last letter we sent them Lilas had insisted on including that I hadn't been very well, it turned out to be morning sickness, even though I hadn't wanted them to worry. It's been a few weeks since we sent the letter out and by the Council's reports of the army's route and progress they should be near the town where we sent it. That hopefully means we'll be getting a reply soon as the Council will be due a report.

"I know Emmy. I just can't stand watching you being so ill every morning. Even though your weight is better than when we first met you Healer Fayeth still wants you to try and put on a bit more now that you're pregnant. All this throwing up every morning isn't going to help with that." He frets handing me over the potion Healer Fayeth has subscribed to help with the nausea I feel in the mornings.

"I'll be fine my love." I reassure him after I've taken the potion. Sitting for a while I wait for the potion to take effect before standing up and going to sit over by the fireplace. The weather is starting to get colder now so I'm grateful for the fire that's been started in our room. "Maryam is keeping a close eye on me as well; she'll make sure I eat well today."

That's part of what makes him worry, we're apart during the day and he can't keep an eye on me personally. We haven't told the entire court about my pregnancy yet instead we're waiting until I'm a bit further along before making the announcement. At the moment none of my ladies, not even Maryam, know about my pregnancy. We want to wait until we know that Kor and Bel have received our letter, it doesn't feel right to tell everyone before Kor and Bel know themselves.

For Lilas's peace of mind though my ladies have been told so they can monitor me on his behalf and can make sure that I don't get too stressed which Healer Fayeth says could cause problems. The Council have also been told as they started noticing Lilas not being completely focused on meetings due to his worry for me. He's been better lately but I think he'll still be worried until after I've given birth.

It's strange seeing one of my ancient mates so worried about something but this is something that even in their long lives they've never experienced. There is also the chance that this baby is Lilas's own child, although even if it is biologically Kor's the baby belongs to all of us. It makes me sad knowing that I'll likely give birth before Bel and Kor return, they won't be here for any of the pregnancy perhaps not even the first months or years of the baby's life.

Like most days Lilas will be busy with the Council for at least this morning, possibly longer, so while he's occupied with that I'll be spending time with my ladies. After spending the last several days convincing Lilas that everything will be perfectly fine we'll be visiting an orphanage in one of the poorest areas of the city today. Since Healer Fayeth told us about my pregnancy he's been even more protective so getting to him to agree to the visit took a lot of persuading and has only come about due to him assigning me a few guards.

Selecting the guards took him a few days as Lilas was determined to interview them all before hiring any. He's apparently hired four guards and two of them will be with me at all times while the other two will have the day off, they'll alternate the days like that so none of them are over worked. I'll get to meet the first two guards after breakfast before Lilas leaves for the meeting. Tomorrow he'll introduce me to the other two guards although I'm not planning to go into the city again tomorrow, instead I'll be spending some time tomorrow at court and then the rest of the day in the palace.

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