Chapter 37 - Lilas

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"So is Naghig still causing problems?" I ask as we finish discussing military matters. Over the past few weeks we've been contacting merchants to ask for their help in transporting supplies to the border and most have been very willing to help, for reduced costs compared to their usual rates. All except Naghig a rich and powerful orc merchant, which creates a problem as the other orc merchants follow his lead.

"Yes all our attempts to talk to him have failed. I even invited him over to dinner, as did other members of the Council, hoping that a less formal meeting would be better but he refused that demanding that as Borgan isn't here that he'll only speak with you, your Majesty." Uncle informs me.

"Summon him to meet me here then." I demand scowling at the stubbornness of Naghig. All the other merchants were able to see beyond their own interests for the sake of keeping our army well supplied yet Naghig doesn't seem able to.

"Unfortunately after receiving a dinner invite from various members of the Council he's insisting on the same type of meeting with your Majesty." Raziel says his voice bored and disinterested as usual, I've been working to find a replacement for him but with so many away fighting it's proving difficult.

"How is it that a merchant has us in the position to be making such demands?" I growl out not pleased at the idea of having to sit through a dinner with Naghig. Hosting him for dinner will require Emmy to there and I don't want to put her through that not while she's so uncomfortable.

"Naghig has a monopoly on merchant vessels in the east. We need those boats to get supplies up north as quickly as possible to be transported the rest of the way on land. The few boats that he doesn't outright own belong to merchants that are afraid to cross him as he could easily destroy their business." Kavarthon tells me just as annoyed as I am. He'd started the conversations to arrange this so he's been dealing with Naghig for longer than the rest of us.

"Very well, I will speak with the Queen and let you know when we can host him for dinner. That should be the end of the matter and if it isn't I want a list of alternatives prepared plus any ways that we can deal with Naghig. He can't be allowed to undermine us at a time like this." I state standing and walking out of the meeting hall done with the meeting.

I'm not looking forward to telling Emmy about this, not only has she been uncomfortable lately but the Healer has made it clear that we should keep her stress to a minimum. Too much stress and she could go into labour early something that she's already at risk of so much so that in a few weeks we're looking at complete bed rest until the birth.

The walk home helps me clear my mind and calms down some of my anger. It's just another one of things I hate about being King, before our ascension we'd been on the same level as the Council but now we're on a different level so the expectations are much higher. Since Naghig won't listen to the Council he's been passed up to me to handle directly whereas before this wouldn't have happened.

Getting home I dismiss Versum and Larek from their guard duty as I enter the drawing room where Emmy is reading with some of her ladies keeping her company. As has become usual the ladies say their goodbyes now that I'm back giving me and Emmy some time alone together which we don't get too much of lately. It seems that every Council meeting is running longer than the last as the action at the border increases every day.

"Welcome back Lilas. How was the meeting?" Emmy asks as she does everyday desperate for the news that it's all over.

"Tedious as always." I reply sitting down next to her helping her shift slightly to rest her back against me in what's hopefully a more comfortable position for her, "That merchant Naghig is still causing a problem for us and the only solution we have now is to invite him to have dinner here with us so that I can talk him round."

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