Chapter 5 - Belath

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It's slightly surreal, after over a thousand years of searching we have found our final soulmate. She's actually here in the castle, sleeping in the room we've kept ready for her although I did have to quickly run through cleaning it when we arrived back from the temple. We hadn't been expecting the problems that would come up when she finally regained consciousness.

Our poor mate, not even having a name. It had been clear from the time we got her from the temple that she had suffered, she is malnourished and poorly dressed but to be deprived of even a name. I hope to one day find out where she had lived so that I can make them suffer for the pain they have caused out mate, I'm sure Ruikor will be easy to convince to join me and hopeful Lilas doesn't try to stop us.

Now that Emmy has gone to sleep the three of us have gone into our room, relaxing together on the bed. Ruikor is reclining against the headboard with Lilas head pillowed on his right thigh while I'm resting my head against his stomach on the other side.

"Do you think she'll join us here soon?" I ask breaking the silence.

"I don't know, we must go at her pace. And when she does it will probably be to just sleep at first. Nothing more." Lilas says lifting his head slightly to give me a stern look. I blink innocently at him.

"Me, never." He knows that I would never pressure Emmy into anything she doesn't want to do. At the same time though I can't help but think of what it will be like when she is ready for more than just sleep.

I've not had sex with anyone other than my mates since we met over a thousand years ago and both Lilas and Ruikor have admitted before that they only ever been with each other and me. It has come up before what it'd be like with our fourth so when the idea of our mate being female first came up they confessed that they had never had sex with a woman.

"We know Bel." Kor states reassuring me anyway, apparently he hasn't used up his word quota for the day.

"Although speaking of sex..." I trail off grinning cheekily up at Kor and then down to Li, "Anyone interested." Even though Kor and I had sex all morning I'm more than up for another round or two. Kor looks thoughtful for a moment before reaching down and tugging lightly at my tunic.

"Off." He orders because there is never any doubt that Kor is in charge. He's always dominant but he's never more so than when we're in bed. Sitting up slightly I manage to pull the tunic up over my head before leaning over to kiss Kor. Grabbing hold of the back of my head he quickly takes charge of the kiss.

"Gods..." Lilas breathes out causing us to break apart to find him sitting up and watching the two of us intensely. I can't help smiling, looks like he wants to join in after missing out on this morning. A gentle push from Kor has me moving down to Li to pull him into a kiss as well, gentler than the one I shared with Kor but no less passionate.

"Pretty mates." Kor grunts, letting out a deep rumbling purr as many dragons do when their pleased and nothing pleases Kor more than seeing his mates together.

"Just think Kor, soon you'll have all your mates to admire at once." Even though I'm teasing a bit I can tell the thought of Emmy being here with us affects us all, Kor even purrs louder which I didn't think was possible.

Separating quickly to strip we're soon back in bed, Kor back by the headboard stroking his massive cock to the sight of Lilas and me kissing. I bury my hands into Li's hair gently touching his sensitive ears, pulling whimpers and little moans from him. Suddenly I'm pulled away from Li, falling against Kor's chest who drags me into a powerful kiss. A gentle hand strokes down my back, a light barely there caress, and then back up again.

"I don't think Kor wants to be teased anymore." Lilas quips settling against Kor's other side, "I wonder how he wants us this time." Kor nearly always gets his way with positioning during sex, not that me or Lilas complain as it's still pleasurable maybe even more so when we obey Kor. True to form he sits up taking charge.

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