Chapter 2 - Tenser

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I had never thought I'd be chosen as a Stone Caretaker at such a young age, typically elves are at least 500 before being selected so at 429 I'm well below the average age for my dream job. Caretaking jobs are highly sought after so I never imagined that not only did I get chosen but I've also been assigned to the oldest temple.

Despite being new to the job and the temple my supervisor had assigned me to watch over the necklace which contains one of the oldest unclaimed Stones in the country. Every elf studying to become a Caretaker learns about this necklace due to its age and history, the Stone is one of the few remaining unclaimed Stones created by the Gods themselves even the necklace itself is over a thousand years old. To make it even more unique the Stone is part of the only set of four ever made and the other three had all been claimed by very powerful individuals.

With how precious this Stone is, and how powerful the other holders are, it is the only Stone under constant watch during ceremonies. That's why I've been stood watching over the Stone since dawn when the ceremony first began and it's now after lunch time. It has been a very boring day as many people didn't enter this small room or even come close to Stone, but I had been told to expect that as nothing had ever happened the thousand years that the temple had been caring for the Stone.

I'm half asleep as someone finally enters the room, a tiny dirty human girl. This instantly woke me up after all the necklace is very expensive but as a Caretaker I must let her near the necklace in case she claims the Stone but also make sure she doesn't steal. I watch as she moves closer and picks up the necklace, I prepare to go over and get her to put it down and leave when she suddenly sits down on the floor. I freeze.

This is something I had never even dreamed of happening, the Stone has been claimed. Not knowing what to do about such a momentous event I take off running for my supervisor. I find him quickly not far from the small room and come to a stop in front of him trying to catch my breath.

"Tenser, by the Gods what are you doing? How could you leave your post?" he demands.

"I'm sorry sir. The Stone, it's been claimed." I manage to gasp out. My words shock him and without saying anything else he heads off to look for himself as I follow along behind him waiting for instructions. Arriving at the room he takes one look at the girl before scoffing.

"I know your young Tenser, but I didn't think you were this stupid. Someone like that couldn't have claimed that Stone so get her up and out of this temple." Scoffing once more he leaves. Since I'd started here my supervisor has been very arrogant because he's been here for nearly 700 years making him the second most senior Caretaker after the Head Caretaker. I never thought though that he would have forgotten what it looks like when someone claims a Stone and that someone's look, race or background has no effect on their Stone.

Now I'm torn either I follow orders and remove the girl or risk going to the Head Caretaker herself with the news of the claim. The choice between the two bounces around my head for several hours before being made for me as the girl suddenly slumps over in a faint her head bouncing slightly on the stone floor but luckily not bleeding. Panic filled me immediately and I take off running to the Head Caretaker's office, this matter is now definitely bigger than I can handle.

Rushing into the office I completely ignore the guard and secretary who try to stop me bursting into the Head Caretaker's office. Stumbling into the office I come to a halt I try to catch my breath enough to speak even as the guard grabs me to try and drag me out.

"My Lady! Please I need to speak to you it's urgent!" I manage to shout out.

"Head Caretaker, I'm so sorry. He just burst in; we'll remove him at once." The secretary apologizes as she indicates for the guard to take me out. Gods this is it my supervisor will fire me and then the Lords will come and kill everyone after seeing the state of their mate.

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