Chapter 28 - Lilas

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"The army report should be here soon. Based on our estimates they have another few weeks hard march to reach the border, we should have more frequent reports then. There are already several dragons there who are willing to fly back and forth as messengers." Kavarthon informs us.

That'll be a relief, knowing what's going on there will help us plan better. We've been getting reports from the border detailing the defences they've set up and the scouts that they've sent into Nerkise which so far haven't spotted any of Rhistel's soldiers marching toward us.

"Anything else to discuss today?" I ask wanting to head home. By now Emmy should be back from the orphanage and I want to make sure that she's okay. It's slightly irrational as I'm sure Khidell and Volethe have kept her safe but I still want to see her for myself.

The Council shake their heads and we end the meeting for today. We'll meet again as we have done every day since the army departed Hadlau, we've been planning not just the border defence but made plans for all cities between here and the border. Not to mention determining what supplies we can afford to send north to resupply the army, not just food but clothes and weapons as well.

To my surprise when I get back home Tehlmar informs me that Emmy isn't back from the orphanage yet and there is no word of when she'll be back. Needing something to do until she returns I go down to my lab and start working on carving some runes, I'd have started another batch of healing potion but that needs more watching than runes. At least I'll be able to put the runes down easily once Emmy is back.

With a new book on ancient runes that Uncle Magor sent me I've been trying to develop a more powerful series of protective runes that will be suitable for defending field hospitals. I think that I have the right runes now for the series to work properly but I still need to test it before I can start making more and sending them to the border. The series should cover a large enough area that they can be set up to protect the hospitals they have there for immediate treatment, the runes should keep the area safe from any harm that Rhistel may plan against the injured vulnerable men.

I don't stop carving until I've finished the entire set of runes, it's a good few hours work and I still need to test them but first I need some lunch. Going back upstairs I grab my runes book and sit down to re-read the chapter on protective runes to review how big an area they should cover in the dining room until lunch is served, which according to Nuela shouldn't be long. It's too quiet here without any of my mates about even with the sound of servants moving around it's not the same as knowing that the people I love most are close.

I'm steadily picking at lunch once it's been served but all my focus is on my book. At least until Emmy walks into the room taking a seat next to me. It's a relief having her back home where I know it's safe, she seems happy though and she's smiling the entire time she tells me about her visit.

As she starts talking about visiting the babies at the orphanage I notice the longing in her eyes as her thoughts drift to our child. My own eyes drift down to her stomach imagining what she might look like in a few months' time as our baby grows, I just can't believe Kor and Bel will miss this. Gods I hope they get our letter soon and they can send one back to us.

The idea of a reply brings a beautiful smile to Emmy's face as she finishes off her lunch. Luckily she's eating more now than she had this morning because of the nausea she tends to feel in the morning at the moment, Gods I can't wait until that part is over. I know that it could last for a while but I still pray that's over with soon so that Emmy doesn't have to feel ill in the mornings. The potion the Healer provided her with helps but there's only so much it can do.

"Want to go for a walk in the gardens?" I ask once she's finished eating. Before the Healer visited we'd have gone down to my lab but ever since we learned of the pregnancy it's best that Emmy doesn't help while I make potions and as she can't help with runes it'd be boring down there for her.

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