Chapter 7 - Ruikor

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Flying for just under an hour I arrive at one of my favourite hunting grounds, just on the other side of some mountains near the castle. We don't really need more meat but my urge to hunt won't subside until I fill it, so a quick trip won't hurt. It'll also give me a chance to clear my head after hearing Lilas tell our story to Emilia, but I don't want to be away from home for too long anyway.

I've always been uncomfortable remembering the creation of the Stones. Not only had the process been complicated and very over my head but it became clear that they were planning to leave after this last gift. It made for a very uncomfortable time being surrounded by families that were about to separate forever while also coming to terms with the fact my mother was leaving. The time after that was difficult as well but Lilas stuck with me through it all.

At times I can't help thinking what my mother would think of my mates, being her youngest she was very protective of me. She'd met Lilas a few times and had always thought he was lovely despite being very different from us dragons. No doubt she would have found Bel hilarious in small doses but too much and he would have found himself being punished like a child. Emilia likely would have ignited all of Mother's protective instincts, making want to keep her safe in a nest for as long as possible.

Knowing the area well I manage to track down a small herd of deer quickly. Swooping down as fast as I can I manage to snatch up a doe in my claws. Landing I eat it raw, something I only tend to do when I'm alone it's freaked Lilas out in the past although Bel doesn't mind as much considering his own food source.

Taking off again I track down a larger amount of deer for a second kill that I'll take home for the others. There are a few stags in the area, so I snatch one up before turning around to fly back over the mountains and home to my mates, the urge to provide for them now satisfied.

I drop the deer onto the ground beneath me before landing and shifting to human form. Heaving the deer up onto my shoulders I head to the kitchen my instincts satisfied now, and clear headed after hunting, that I've hunted and am providing for my mates, especially my youngest mate. She's so tiny all I want to do is feed her until she's healthy. Placing the deer in the cold storage room that Lilas had created I head upstairs to find my mates, with the cold storage butchering the deer can wait until the morning.

Their scents downstairs are faint, so I head upstairs it seems they're still occupied with what they had headed inside for. As I get closer to the floor our rooms are on the scents get stronger, ink and parchment, Bel's earthy scent with the faint smell of blood and the new scent of lavender and vanilla from Emilia's bath this morning. I think it suits her, calming and sweet.

Heading past Bel's room I enter the library where the scents are leading me. The three of them are sat together at the table and I can't help letting out a quiet purr at the sight of them so content together. This is what I've always wanted, the four of us together.

"Kor your back." Bel greets me, quietly though so that he doesn't wake Emilia up. He puts his book down and gets up to give me a hug which I happily return loving how content his scent is. It's a nice change from yesterday when we were all nervous, Emmy's scent in particular had been soured by uncertainty and fear.

"Good time?" I ask walking back to the table with Bel taking the seat next to his. Lilas only nods focused on his book.

"Yes I managed to finish Emmy's dress. She loves it and she seemed to enjoy today, even started her reading lessons with Li. I think his book sent her to sleep though." Bel informs me clearly excited about her reaction to something he had made. Lilas and I have never been to concerned about clothes so having Emmy be so interested and even wanting to learn from him has made him happy. It does make me wonder what her reaction would be to jewellery I've made, she clearly loves the necklace containing her Stone having not taken it off all day.

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