Chapter 35 - Kor

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Arriving at the border is a relief and not just because it means we've managed to get here before Rhistel has been able to organise his armies for an attack. It also means that Bel has finally shut up about the discomfort of travelling. Gods I love him but at many times on the journey here I've wanted to strangle him, or sew his mouth shut for a few hours whichever would bring me peace for the longest.

We'd immediately sent a dragon messenger back to Hadlau to confirm our arrival but so far we've had no response. It's possible though that the dragon hasn't reached the city yet now that winter is truly here the weather might have slowed him down. Even I wouldn't risk trying to fly through a snow storm.

In the week that we've been at the border there have been nearly endless meetings with the various city leaders planning the defence of their cities. A generic plan works for many of them but still each plan has to carefully adjusted for each one to ensure we've covered their individual weakness and worked to their strengths. At first it was interesting and a nice change from the march but it soon grew just as tedious.

Bel attending the first few meetings with me before begging off in favour of wandering the area and sometimes crossing over the border. Scouts have been monitoring the area keeping an eye out for any soldiers but so far they haven't spotted any instead they've been finding groups trying to get Stones across the border before they can be destroyed. Joining them has at least kept Bel occupied.

Today though our last meeting has just finished with the leader of the last city. We'd left this until last as it's the least likely to be attacked and being built into one of the tallest mountains planning its defence was easy. The harder part was determining how much food they can store just in the unlikely event of a siege.

Free for the rest of the afternoon I make my way to the room Bel and I were given. Along the way there soldiers and servants alike stepped to the sides of the halls as I walk past, bowing and curtsying in greeting. It saves me time but I'm still not used to being King and the deference that comes from it. Sure before when we were Lords they did the same but that came from our strength and age rather than because the Gods appointed us as royals.

Entering our room I'm not surprised that Bel isn't here, he's probably out with some scouts at the moment. They're never out for too long so I'll just wait for him here. Picking up a handful of Emmy and Lilas's letters I settle down on the bed to read them again, something we've both been doing often. We'd been careful to keep the letters with us and as undamaged as possible for just this purpose.

We've only received two letters since the one informing us of Emmy's pregnancy so there hasn't been too much for them to tell us about it yet. The latest one told us about the ball that is being thrown in celebration which should be happening any day now based on their estimates of how long it will take to organise. Hopefully everything goes well for them, just from the letter we can tell how excited Emmy is about the ball.

"Thinking about them?" I hear Bel ask as he enters the room. Hearing his boots hit the floor I'm not surprised when he jumps on the bed next to me.

"Yes. Ball should be soon."

"If it's not already happened. I wouldn't be surprised if they managed to get everything organised not with all those ladies working on it with the backing of the Council." He replies laying his head on my shoulder so that he can read the letter as well.

"Poor Lilas. Hates balls." I'm able to feel Bel nod slightly against me.

"Yeah but he'll have to go. For Emmy at the very least. I just feel sorry for leaving him alone surrounded by all those ladies trying to organise a ball on short notice." He lets out a short laugh at the thought and I can't help but smile as well. Lilas would much rather be left alone with his books than have to speak to anyone never mind our palace turn into a hub of ball planning.

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