Chapter 12 - Emilia

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Hearing a knock at the door I wake up along for the first time in almost two weeks, something that used to normal for me but now feels completely foreign and wrong. My mates have no doubt left for the Council meeting they're hoping that if they can get everything dealt with we can return to the castle tomorrow, but it will all depend on today's meeting.

"Come in." I call out, the door opens revealing Nuela carrying a tray with what looks like breakfast on it.

"I'm sorry to wake you my Lady but the seamstress will be here soon. I thought you might like some breakfast before she arrives." She explains as she places the tray across my lap so I can start eating.

"Thank you Nuela. Do you know when my mates might be back from the Council meeting?" I ask hoping that they might be back soon.

"I'm sorry my Lady but we've had no word from them yet. Closer to lunch I'll send a servant to see if they'll be back to eat but it may depend on what the meeting is about." Nodding I start eating but don't each much not having an appetite after just waking up.

At Nuela's suggestion I don't bother getting dressed settling for just brushing my hair and managing to braid it back and out of the way. Once I'm ready Nuela leads me to one of the room downstairs where the seamstress is setting up with several assistants running around following her orders. It's a big difference from going to Madame Loni's which was less chaotic compared to what is happening in front of me now.

Directing the chaos is an older woman whose only slightly taller than me yet she commands the attention of the room. Expertly she's ordering everyone around, not just her own assistants but servants who are likely the new staff working in the palace, managing to turn the room into a makeshift seamstress work area. It took a few minutes for the seamstress to notice Nuela and I's arrival in the room but walked over as soon as she noticed us.

"My Lady." She greets sinking into a deep curtsy, more elegant and beautiful than the simple bobbed curtsies I've seen so far from servants around the palace. "I'm Madame Joanna. It's an honour to be making your new wardrobe."

"It's nice to meet you." I utter quietly overwhelmed by what's going on around me so early in the morning. This is the second time I've met with a seamstress about making more dresses for me but the three finished ones I already have are more than enough in my opinion. Despite this it still doesn't seem like enough to those around me but hopefully this visit will be the last for a while.

"Lord Belath has left some designs that he would like made for Lady Emilia in whatever fabric she chooses. They left instructions to spare no expense on their mate's wardrobe as she needs several of everything." Nuela luckily takes over, handing over a notebook containing Bel's designs which I didn't even realise she was carrying. "As the Lords don't know how long they will be in Hadlau Lady Emilia will also need court appropriate dresses for the stay. Lord Ruikor has some designs planned to make some jewellery himself, but they have also asked for your recommendation for a professional jeweller."

"I shall send one of my assistants to Master Nicolas, one of the top jewellers in Hadlau. He will probably be able to come here today with some of his pre-made pieces and then may stay while I work to create jewellery to go with the dresses once he's met Lady Emilia. It's his belief that he designs best after meeting the person." Madame Joanna tells us as she sends off an assistant with a note for the jeweller. I'd be perfectly happy with just the necklace containing my Stone which I still make sure to wear every day.

"Would you like to get started my Lady?" Nuela asks seeming to notice my nerves once again, but I take a deep breath and nod. The sooner we get started the sooner this will be done although looking around it seems I'll still be here for a long time.

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