Chapter 51 - Emilia

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"You're amazing." Bel whispers quietly being careful not to wake the baby. Our beautiful daughter, Sarrainne, is only a few hours old and so far she's spent her entire life in someone's arms because none of us are prepared to put her down yet.

I'd gone into labour late last night and it'd progressed much faster than with Naz so by dawn we had our baby girl. After checking on Naz my mates had stayed with me the entire time doing whatever they could to help me and providing support. Lilas had done the same the last time but having all three of them with me was, as harsh as it is to admit, better than having just Lilas.

We'd spent the last few months happily together in the castle getting to know each other again after so long apart. Plus adapting to being parents. Even the journey here was more difficult with Naz as he loved flying on Kor's back and wouldn't sit still the entire time we were flying here. Now that he's experienced flying Naz has wanted to go outside and fly everyday which so long as the weather has been good we've done.

It's been a big relief not having to go straight back to being Queen of Rialria after being held captive for just over a month. I've missed my ladies since being here but I'd seen and said goodbye to them before we left Hadlau as we'd spent a few weeks there before leaving. Those few weeks allowed me to begin recovering from my captivity and we'd been able to help Julianna.

She'd enjoyed meeting Nazeph but was still determined to die and be with her husband again. Lilas had been able to find a quick and painless poison for her that allowed her to pass on peacefully while we kept her company. As much as I'd cried when she died it was what she wanted and the only regret she expressed was not being able to be buried with Edmun and her children. Instead she asked to be cremated so that even in death she is free.

The rest and quiet that we'd found here was just what we all needed especially as I came to the end of the pregnancy. In fact the most excitement that we'd had was when I went into labour and it filled us with so much joy that only increased when we finally got to hold her. She's much smaller than Naz was when he was born and she takes after Lilas more than me, having his blond hair judging by the fine hair that she's been born with.

Bel is currently holding her sitting next to me on the bed while I'm resting and recovering from the birth. Lilas has gone to check on Naz and bring him to meet his little sister while Kor is sitting on my other side being able to see Sarrainne from there. He's waiting for his own turn to hold her though but so far Bel hasn't been willing to share, which according to Lilas is exactly like when they first met Naz.

"Ma." I hear my son's sweet voice call out as Lilas walks back into the room with Nazeph held in his arms. This morning has probably been unsettling for him as even though we brought his nurse with us we've been looking after him ourselves for the most part. Every morning since we got here we've been there when he wakes up to give him breakfast so not being there this morning must have been odd for him.

"Hi baby. Come and meet your sister." I say holding out my arms for him as Lilas joins us on the bed passing our son over to me. With Kor's help I sit up slightly helping Naz to get his first look at Sarrainne in Bel's arms. "This is Sarrainne."

The look on his face as he sees her for the first time is adorable as he seems just as awed by her as we are. I had been secretly worried that he'd be jealous of the new baby as we wouldn't have as much time to spend with him but it seems I was worried for nothing.

"Sar." He mumbles reaching out one small hand towards her. Kor stops him briefly with a reminder to be gentle before letting him continue on and gently touch Sarrainne's cheek a sweet smile building on his face when she opens her eyes and looks at him.

Naz's smile grows bigger and he starts babbling at her happily. I don't understand a lot of what he's saying but I can make out words like 'fly' and 'play' which come up often. That doesn't surprise me though as they're some of his favourite things to do so he must be telling her about them and maybe wanting to share them with her. Once she's bigger though I'm sure that they'll play and run around together both here and in Hadlau.

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