Chapter 3 - Lilas

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I finally finish my book and return it to its set place before heading out to find Kor and Bel. The last time I saw them was this morning in the large downstairs room where I had woken up next to Bel against Kor's dragon form, the last place I had remembered being was in the library, so I had likely fallen asleep reading and one of them had brought me to bed later, likely Bel judging by our positions. After waking up I had headed upstairs to put on some clean clothes before returning to the library to finish my latest book.

As different as the three of us are we respect or have at least learnt to live with our differences so they knew by now that if they couldn't find me then I'm more than likely in my library. It still annoys them though if I miss meals or ignore them for too long because of reading or studying and will try to distract me for as long as possible. Kor had tried once to ban me from the library but quickly learnt that was a very bad idea which has never been repeated.

My search for my mates starts as usual in our shared bedroom located just down the hall from my library. We do all have our own bedrooms for personal use but preferred to stay together, technically the library started out as my room but was quickly so overrun by books that library is the better description. Entering the bedroom, I'm not surprised to find Kor and Bel kissing on the bed, Kor has Bel pinned to the mattress and is clearly in charge of the kiss as usual.

Being a dragon Kor had very dominant instincts especially around the two of us, while he does collect traditional treasure he still considers Bel and I to be his most important treasures. It's sweet to the two of us but is very dangerous for anyone who hurts us, the last time it happened an arrogant young human man had tripped me up and Kor's response was to break the leg he used to trip me. At least most of the time his protective instincts come out in who's in charge while kissing or in bed which neither of us mind.

"I see you two are having fun." I say sitting at the top of the bed near their heads. They break apart Bel with a massive grin on his face while Kor has his normal non-expression on but having known him for so long I can tell that he's just as happy. Kor rolls off Bel onto his side leaving Bel in the middle of us.

"Finished your book then Li my love. Please say we get your attention now." Bel asks pulling my hand onto his head wanting me to stroke his hair which I complied with.

"Yes all finished. And you can always have my attention, just ask." I gently scratch at his scalp getting a gentle purr from him. Bel loves physical affection the most out of all of us something that I struggle with so something simple like this works for both of us.

"I know but you were really enjoying it. Kor kept me really occupied so you could finish anyway." A cheeky smirk covered Bel's face meaning that they had spent the morning having sex, perhaps Bel's favourite activity which Kor is more than happy to indulge him in. "It's been a lot of fun; we should have a morning like this again soon. Next time all three of us spending all morning together just enjoying each other. Maybe even all day, you know like we've done before?" His cheeky smirk seemed to grow as he no doubt remembered the times we've spent all day in bed and the non-stop sex. Kor let out a grunt of agreement all for the idea of a morning or day having sex, it always appealed to his instincts as a way to reaffirm our bond and his claim on us.

"Yes, sometime soon I only have one new book left that I urgently want to read. Thank you both for understanding, I love you." I lean over kissing first Bel then lean across to kiss Kor. Their acceptance of my desire to read and gain knowledge, that can often overcome everything even intimacy with them at times, it never fails to make me fall more in love with them which doesn't seem possible, but it somehow happens every time.

We cuddle for a bit longer before getting up in search of food, for me and Kor at least while Bel sips on some donated blood. Sitting down we eat in a comfortable silence that is suddenly broken by a loud beeping tone echoing through the castle. We all freeze never thinking that we would be hearing that alarm, the one set upon the necklace containing the last Stone that matched ours.

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