Chapter 9 - Belath

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I stare in shock for a moment before running forward at vampire speed to wrap my sire in a hug.

"Father, you're here." Pulling back slightly I take in the sight of my maker it's been too long since I've last seen him, "You look well." Excited I can't stop smiling I always look forward to his visits even though he often tries to persuade us to spend more time Hadlau. Maybe we will spend more time there now that we've found Emmy.

"Of course I'm here. Word has been spreading of you finding your fourth mate, so I came for a visit, seeing as you didn't tell me yourself." He gives me a reproachful look. Embarrassed at having forgotten to inform him in the excitement of the last few days I just offer a small smile as I rub the back of my head.

"Sorry father. A lot has happened in the last few days. But this is our mate Emilia." I turn back to Emilia introducing her to my sire, "Emmy, this is my sire Sliske."

"It's nice to meet you, sir." She says with a shy smile as polite as always.

"Lovely to meet you too Emilia. We've all waited a long time to meet you." Father steps forward taking Emmy's hand to place a kiss on the back of it. He's always been a fan of courtly etiquette and keeps it up even when not at court, the action makes Emmy blush never having experienced it before. "Now why don't we head inside, and we can sit down to talk."

Listening to his suggestion we move into the main library occupying the reading area, Lilas and Kor sharing one seat while father, Emmy and I share another. I place myself between father and Emmy so that she's not overly surrounded as this conversation will no doubt be long and overwhelming.

"Well, I should probably start by saying that my visit has also been prompted by the Council. They want you to return and take your rightful places." Father tells us making eye contact with all of us except Emmy who is still confused. He turns his gaze back towards Kor and Lilas before continuing, "After all when the Gods left it was with the wish that you rule over Rialria, their beloved country."

"They said for us to rule with our mates, how could we do that when until recently we've been incomplete?" Lilas retorts, none of us have ever really wanted to rule preferring our quiet life here together over the politics and schemes of the court.

"I was there as well don't forget." Father reminds him sharply, "It has been over 2,000 years since the Stones were created so while at first it was fine for you to learn and grow, you were only young back then. But none of the Council imagined that your resistance would continue on this long especially not after Bel claimed his Stone."

"I still don't understand." Emmy mutters clearly more confused than before.

"Forgive me, I should have started with more of an explanation to your questions." Father apologises, "Your mates are called Lords due to respect for their age and power, you'll find that others will call you Lady out of the same respect. They all have seats on Rialria's ruling Council, but they refuse to occupy them full time only when urgently needed. However by the Gods request though they should be ruling as Kings of Rialria."

"We've always supported the idea of a Council ruling full time though rather than us having all the power. Wouldn't it be better if every race is represented by a member on a ruling Council?" I can't help asking even though I've asked this question before and have always been given the same answer.

"Because the Gods selected Kor and Lilas to rule along with their mates and the Council member all respect their choice. If you feel a Council is useful you can still assemble one to advise you, we have never suggested that you need to rule without assistance or advise from those you can trust." Father gives the same response as always, "I hope this helps you understand more of what you've heard today Emilia."

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