Chapter 4 - ???

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The last thing I remember is sitting in that small room in the temple with the necklace but I'm definitely not where I was before. I'm lying on the softest surface I've ever felt let alone slept on and am covered by an equally soft blanket, how did I get here? I had fainted likely due to lack of food over the past few days. I only had a bit of food to bring with me when I left Stowu, and I was lucky that some of the guards would share some of theirs, but all the food was running low as we got closer to Bellit, so I had gone the past few days with barely a mouthful of bread.

Opening my eyes, I find myself in a beautifully decorated room that is bigger than the entire shack I lived in back in Stowu. Panicking slightly when I realise that I'm not holding the necklace anymore and that it's nowhere in sight, I look around frantically only to realise that I'm now wearing the necklace. With the necklace safe I get out of bed and open the curtains to find that the sun is setting over the sea, I'd been out for at least a few hours and judging by the sea outside rather than a city I'm no longer in Bellit but somewhere else entirely.

Hoping to find out what is going on I go to leave the room only for the door to open and three handsome men to enter. All three are much taller than me, the tallest has tanned skin with a few faint scars on his face, black hair, gold eyes and scatterings of black scales down his neck and along his arms. The shortest is pale and has long dark brown hair, green eyes and is clearly an elf his pointy ears giving it away while the final man has a light tan, red eyes and short brown hair.

"Your awake." The red eyed man exclaims grinning happily. He goes to run forward making me flinch at the sudden movement causing the tallest man to grab hold of his clothes to hold him back.

"Careful Bel don't scare her. We should introduce ourselves first." The elf states turning his attention to me, "It's good to see you awake. My name is Lilas, the giant behind me is Ruikor and the overexcited one if Belath. We're very glad to meet you."

"Where am I?"

"At our castle in Harno." Lilas replies to me and steps forward slightly but not as fast as Belath had, obviously trying not to scare me.

"I don't understand why I am here?" This makes no sense what three creatures would want with me.

"Because your very important to us and we hope that you will agree to stay here with us." Lilas states as he tucks his long hair behind his ear drawing my attention to an earring there, one that contains a Stone an exact copy of my Stone. He's my soulmate. To my surprise Ruikor holds up a simple cord necklace with another copy of my Stone at the end and then Belath does the same thing with a ring. We're all soulmates, surely that's not possible I've never heard of four people being bonded together.

"W-we're all s-soulmates?" I manage to stutter out the question needing to hear it out loud.

"Yes." Ruikor grunts out in a deep voice that sounds harsh, but his golden eyes are gentle and warm putting me more at ease.

"We know it sounds strange but it's true the Gods have paired us all together." Belath grins and moves towards me taking hold of my hand, "So we've introduced ourselves, but we haven't asked for yours yet, please forgive us and tell us." I pull my hand back taking hold of the necklace tightly drawing strength from holding onto it.

"I don't have a name." It comes out as a whisper but echoes in the silence of the room as they had waited silently for my answer. "I was orphaned young and don't remember what my parents named me. The villagers never told me either, they probably don't remember what it was either." Tears are gathering in my eyes; I'd never had to tell this to anyone before and had hoped never to have to. If none of this had happened and I'd have had to make up a name for myself to use in Bellit.

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