Chapter 32 - Emilia

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Lilas and I arrive back at the castle after our walk around the glass house with just enough time to ready ourselves for dinner. The table is being meticulously laid by the staff under Nuela's expert eye and soon Magor and Sliske will be here. Luckily this is a private family dinner so we don't need to be too concerned about changing into different clothes for dinner, instead we just quickly clean ourselves up.

Just as we're heading downstairs there's a knock at the door which Tehlmar opens to reveal Magor and Sliske are here slightly earlier than I'd thought they would be. Walking over we greet each other before heading into the dining room to take our seats.

"Is there something wrong?" Magor asks as soon as we've all sat down. The concern is evident in his voice and written all over his face. "If there is why didn't you say something earlier Lilas. You visited yesterday and spoke to me earlier at the Council meeting to invite me here for a short notice family dinner so what is it?" Hearing all of that Sliske focus on us as well worry shining in his eyes. Then he tilts his head slightly seeming to listen to something.

"Gods..." He breathes out looking me at with his eyes wide with shock, "She's pr-"

"Emilia is pregnant." Lilas interrupts wanting to get to tell them himself. I don't know how Sliske figured it out though. "We found out not too long ago and wanted you to be the first to know before I tell the Council. After Kor and Bel of course, we've written to them informing them."

"That's wonderful." Magor beams congratulating us.

"Yes, congratulations." Sliske smiles although he still seems focused on whatever he seems to able to hear.

"Sliske what is it?" Lilas asks noticing that something is going on with him.

"Ah, forgive me. I can hear the baby's heartbeat, that's how I figured it out, and I can't help but listen." I smile resting a hand on my stomach happy knowing that everything is fine, Sliske being able to hear a heartbeat is a good thing.

"Thank you Sliske." I say grateful for the peace of mind that he's brought. I've known women back in Stowu who have had perfectly normal pregnancies only to have the child be born dead so I'll take any sign I can get that my baby is alive and well.

"This is truly something to celebrate so lets enjoy this meal you've prepared for us." Magor says as servants enter and start laying out our meal. We have an enjoyable evening together filled with happiness, there is barely a mention of war and only in the context of Kor and Bel returning home to us.

"So, this is a very personal question which you don't have to answer, but any ideas on who the father is? Biologically of course." Sliske asks. I immediately turn bright red and choke slightly on the mouthful of food I had just started chewing. Rubbing my back Lilas sends a stern look at him.

"No we don't know for sure. So long as the baby is healthy we don't care if it's mine or Kor's or if it's a boy or girl."

"My apologies I only asked to be prepared with whatever gifts I buy. I have a few ideas but before I buy any clothing I just wanted to know the chance that I'll need to account for wings." Hearing his explanation both Lilas and I relax understanding that he wasn't asking out of a preference either way.

Neither Magor nor Sliske leave until the early hours of the morning but by that point I was already in bed. Lilas had stayed behind to keep talking with them but eventually convinced them to leave so that he could join me in bed. I only woke briefly as he climbed into bed next to me wrapping me up in his arms as we both, finally, went to sleep.

The next morning I walk into the drawing room finding Nuela overseeing the final preparations before my ladies arrive for the day. Lilas has left for the Council meeting and while he's speaking with the Council I'll be telling my ladies the wonderful news. I can't wait, even though in less than an hour they'll be here it doesn't seem soon enough.

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