Chapter 20 - Bel

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"She's really out of it." I comment as Kor finishes putting Emilia down next to Lilas, we'd thrown the soiled sheets off the bed and covered them with a blanket instead. I'm still panting relishing in the afterglow of my orgasm, the first one I've had with a woman since meeting Kor and Lilas. Gods just thinking about has my cock twitching in interest but Emmy is down for the count, she'll likely not be awake again until morning. Grunting in agreement Kor walks back over to me eyeing me pointedly as he spots my cock twitch.

"Go again?" He asks a slight smirk on his face, after watching and helping me and Emmy finish his own cock is rock hard. His eyes are almost glowing with want, his instincts still close to the surface not fully satisfied with having fucked just one of his mates. Likely that purely instinctual dragon side of him wants nothing more than to fuck Emmy, claiming her fully as his, but that's not going to happen tonight.

"Fuck yes." I cry not worrying too much about waking Emmy or Li, they're both pretty much unconscious. Despite having just fucked Emmy I'm ready to go again, a fact that's mainly been helped by Kor's solution for helping come earlier was to stick a finger up my ass so all I want now is to feel his cock filling me. Jumping at Kor I wrap my arms and legs around him as I pull him into a deep kiss. I'm holding onto him in the perfect position, I can already feel his cock against my ass so close to where I want it.

Not wanting to fuck me on the bed and disturb the others Kor walks us over to in front of the fireplace lying us down on the rug that we'd pretty much put here for this purpose. Kor lies flat down on the rug sitting me down on top of him. Sitting up from where I'd been kissing at his neck I lock eyes with him as I reach an arm around myself, sticking two fingers inside myself not caring about the slight burn.

"Three." Kor grunts giving me a stern look when I pull my fingers out and go to position his cock at my entrance, making it clear that even now in his instincts at the surface and desperate to fuck one of us he won't fuck me until I've stretched myself with at least three fingers. Pouting slightly I immediately fill myself with three fingers stretching myself open just like he wanted.

"Better?" I ask after a couple of minutes. Growling he pulls my fingers out and replaces them with his cock making me moan loudly. "Fuck, you're a brute." His only response is to grab hold of my hips to lift me up and down one his cock.

"You love it." He growls out eventually watching amused as I turn into a moaning mess. Until he stops moving all together giving me that slight smirk again. "Your turn."

"You're cruel." I tell him but gather my legs underneath me anyway so I can start moving myself. At least this way I'm in control of the pace, which with how desperate I am is hard and fast. Even being able to move however I want it's not enough and so I move a hand to my cock intending to stroke myself until I come.

"No." Kor grunts stopping me from touching myself, "From my cock, or not at all." Gods he really is being cruel this time but like he said I love it.

"Kor. Kor, please..." I beg needing him to do something other than watch me bounce on his cock. My begging has the desired effect as he grabs my hips to keep me still before he rolls us over putting himself on top. In a better position to move now he takes control fucking me harder and faster than I'd managed on my own. "Close. I'm so close." Just as I'm about to come Kor wraps his hand around the base of my cock, tight enough to prevent me from coming.

"Not until I say." He tells me as he picks up the pace fucking me even harder. If I wasn't a vampire I'd be left with deep bruises in the shape of his hands on my hips with the strength he's using. But fuck I love it.

"Please. I'll do whatever you, just let me come please." Gods I hope he'll listen if I give him whatever it is he wants.

"Use that dirty mouth of yours, tell me about earlier. You were quieter than normal" He growls out, his mind clearly going back to earlier. So that's what's got him so worked up and I guess I was quieter. I'd been so focused on Emilia and how good it felt being inside of her that I'd gone quiet for once.

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