Chapter 13 - Kor

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This morning has us riding on a high, Emmy kissed us. Properly not just kisses on the cheek but true kisses as chaste as they were. It's a start though and telling of our mate's innocence that she blushed so deeply with just a few kisses even more so when I gave her one in return. This high won't last long now that the Council meeting is about to start, it's back to the serious business of war.

"Messages have now been sent to the ruling Lords of all major cities warning them about the war and asking them to prepare their men and to start stock piling supplies." Halmed begins ready to get down to business, "The dwarf Lords have also been told to start evacuating the towns and villages near to the border to protect the citizens in the event of war. They'll take shelter in the mountain strongholds where they have a better chance at defending themselves."

"I've sent some of my retainers to inform the dragon clans personally of the danger, asking them to send representatives here. It may take some time to find them all but once they do the clans should be ready to aid us in whatever way we need." Kavarthon adds serious and for once looking to work with everyone rather than only caring about his own interests.

"Do we have any spies in Nerkise?" Lilas asks wanting as much information as he can get. With the information we could get from spies within Nerkise we'll be able to come up with a better defence plan than just hiding people that are near the border.

"All we know for sure at the moment is that our ambassador was killed when Rhistel overthrew the Nerkise's council. Since then we've had no word from any of our people still in Nerkise, they're either dead or focused on helping the temples save as many Stones as possible." Magor informs him as worried about the lack of information as Lilas.

"Once the dragon clans arrive we can send them to the border for reconnaissance to give us a better idea of what's going on. We'll have faster and more accurate reports then." I join in, politics has never been my interest, but war and fighting is something I've been trained for. In the last war I helped Lilas work out strategies, he has studied many but isn't a fighter himself, and had fought in the front lines of the war.

"If we send them to the border they might be able to help the Caretakers smuggle Stones out of Nerkise as well while doing reconnaissance." Borgan adds getting nods of agreement from the rest of the Council, it seems that plan will go ahead without a problem.

"What do we tell the people? If they know everything it might start a panic." Lord Hess speaks up, a valid point. Knowing that there are people out their destroying Stones has a massive potential to cause panic, especially in those who haven't found their Soulmate yet. They could end up demanding that we act before we're ready wanting Rhistel defeated and Nerkise back under the control of a Council.

"They'll notice the war preparations, so we'll have to tell them." Lilas adds holding up a hand for quiet when the Council goes to protest, "Only about the chance of war. We'll have to keep the knowledge of the Stones quiet for now. It'll get out eventually but hopefully by then we'll be prepared. If need be we'll retake Nerkise after all we can't really let Rhistel continue his crusade."

Nodding the Council agree to Lilas solution for dealing with the people. Having that sorted we start discussing strategies for if Nerkise invades but we only have theories at the moment. With no solid information on their army or plans we can only theorise what they might do. We'll have the basis for actual plans when they do finally make a move.

All morning is spent on plans and contingences for those plans before we take a break for lunch. The break doesn't last long though as we only eat quietly for a short time before continuing making plans even as we finish eating. It's been many years since we've had to make plans for a war and even then it wasn't on the scale of another kingdom attacking.

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