Chapter 40 - Kor

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I can't stop staring at it. The physical proof that I'm a father. Ever since we read the letter a few days ago Bel and I have been trading the drawing back and forth between ourselves. We both find ourselves taking it out often as though in the hour or so since we last looked we'd forgotten what our baby looks like.

Much like when we'd first got the news about the baby Bel has been running around the base telling everyone who would listen about our son. Many people have been asking me to get him to stop but why should I, our son is perfect and everyone should know. On the first day we found out and informed everyone there was a base wide celebration that mainly involved everyone getting very drunk.

As soon as Bel and I had told the other generals, including Asaroth who returned to base early after not encountering any enemy for several days, about the birth they'd declared that we needed to celebrate and ordered for food and alcohol to be prepared. In very little time we are all gathered in front of a large crowd of soldiers all watching us expectantly likely expecting news to do with the war.

"Brave soldiers! Today we have gathered you here not for new orders but to deliver joyous news. We recently received word that a few days ago Queen Emilia delivered a healthy baby boy, a half-dragon Prince named Nazeph. Tonight we celebrate!" Shouts out Halmed which is answered by a deafening roar from the soldiers. Drinks are quickly handed out to everyone and Borgan steps up to take Halmed's place.

"A toast to Prince Nazeph!" He roars out prompting everyone to take a drink. I'd thought that would be the only toast but then Asaroth walks forward.

"To the Kings and Queen!" He toasts to the crowd's approval who return the shout. That seems to end this more ceremonial part though as we disperse then and mingle with the crowd.

All around me there are drunken soldiers calling out congratulations as I walk around trying to find Bel. He'd wandered off not long ago with the drawing of Emmy and Nazeph muttering that he's going to go and show it to people. Not a specific person just people which means that every person I walk past has been shown the drawing, at least it's giving me a trail to follow.

"Kor!" Someone shouts and turning around I find Asaroth approaching me a drink in hand, somehow managing to weave his way through the crowd without spilling any of it. "Congratulations my friend on the birth of your son."

"Asaroth, good to see you back. Have you seen Bel around?"

"I'm afraid not although I have heard that he's running around here somewhere with a picture. I'll help you look for him I want a look at the little prince." Nodding in acceptance the two of us set out to find my wayward mate. It's not difficult though as we find him not far away from where we met up.

"Look isn't he just the cutest. He's so perfect don't you think?" I hear Bel ask the soldiers around him as he practically shoves the picture in front of them to get their opinion.

"Yes, your Majesty." They chorus in a monotone that suggests that it's not the first time they've said it.

"Bel come on leave them alone. Asaroth wants a look at Nazeph." I call getting Bel's attention and as soon as he turns away the soldiers he was talking to scatter. Not caring about them anymore Bel comes over to me and Asaroth happily showing him the picture and continuing to babble on about how perfect our son is.

Eventually Bel moves on to show Nazeph off to new victims although it's telling how many soldiers spot him coming and practically run away before he can get to them. It seems word is spreading quickly on Bel's new habit, he's just a proud father though so I'm not going to make him stop.

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