Chapter 22 - Lilas

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The past day has been amazingly pleasurable but exhausting. Knowing that Kor and Bel will be leaving in the morning we've spend all of yesterday and today locked together in our room, having sex on and off but also just simply being together. It's something that soon we won't be able to do for potentially a long time, at a minimum I think it'll be at least a year but likely more.

It's getting late and we should sleep soon, we'll need the rest for in the morning when they leave. A whole ceremony has been planned to send them off along with all the soldiers, it's all been arranged by the Council that will be staying here to help me rule Rialria. But for right now going to sleep is the last thing on my mind which is instead consumed with the feeling of Kor thrusting into me pushing me into Bel who in turn pushes into Emmy.

On and on the repetitive cycle continues with Kor in complete control of us all, he's fucking all of us at the same time. This might be our last round for tonight so he's clearly making it count, imprinting his claim on all of us. In just a few more thrusts Emmy is the first to come setting off a chain reaction as Bel then me and finally Kor follow her over the edge. Exhausted we all collapse onto the bed.

"We should really get some sleep." I pant out struggling to catch my breath. From around me I receive agreeing hums as we all cuddle together.

"Don't think I could go again tonight anyway." Bel mutters burying his face into my neck finally settling down to sleep. Next to me Emmy is wrapped up in Kor's arms almost asleep already. If it hadn't been for Kor and Bel leaving so soon we'd have probably taken more time introducing her to sex rather than jumping straight into a two-day sex marathon. Whenever we've taken the time to bathe I'd given a healing potion to help her but she'll still be sore come morning, if she's going to make it through tomorrow's ceremony then we need to let her rest.

"Sleep." Kor grunts out reaching across so that he's managing to touch all of us. Not able to fight off sleep anymore I drift off to sleep enjoying this last night together with all of my mates.

Knocking on the door wakes me up but without waking Emmy and Bel there's no way I can get up and answer it. Luckily the noise has also woken Kor who gets up to answer it without a care that he's still naked.

"Nuela." He says in greeting opening the door just enough for her to see him, blocking her view of the rest of us. Possessive dragon. He doesn't care that he's naked but Gods help anyone who sees any of us naked.

"Your Majesty, good morning. I've had the main bathroom prepared for you all to clean up, while you're cleaning up I'll fetch your clothes for today. Breakfast is currently being prepared and will be ready by the time you're done." She informs him. Even though I can't see her I can easily picture the blank vaguely unimpressed look on her face. Likely she knows the state that this room is in after the past few days and isn't looking forward to getting the maids in to clean it all up.

"Thank you Nuela." I call out as I start gently shaking Bel and Emmy awake. If Nuela already has that all sorted then she must have let us sleep for as long as possible, we need to get moving now or we'll be late.

Closing the door Kor returns to the bed lifting a groggy Emmy into his arms letting me focus on getting Bel up and moving. Luckily a sleepy Bel is easily movable so we're soon up and moving to the bathroom where just as Nuela promised the large bath is full and warm. Stepping into the bath works to finish waking Bel up as we settle along the edge of the bath.

Grabbing a sponge I start scrubbing the last few days off of me and slowly Bel starts doing the same thing. At the other end of the bath Kor has started washing Emmy who is still not quite awake, the last few days have really exhausted her. I'll have to find another healing potion for her to have with her breakfast.

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