Chapter 21 - Emilia

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I feel really hot as Kor and Bel re-join us on the bed. It's not just from the blush on my cheeks though a large part seems to be because of the feeling between my legs. Just like last night I feel wet down there and that pleasurable feeling is back although I can't understand why when all I've done is watch Kor and Bel.

"You did so well, my love." Kor tells as he lies down next to Bel who doesn't seem to be completely present. I can't help but notice the bulge in Bel's trousers that makes it clear that he'd enjoyed what just happened despite how harsh it seemed to me.

"Kor please, it aches." Bel begs looking pleadingly at Kor who nods with a pleased look. He moves a hand down into Bel's trousers touching his cock.

"Come. Now." He orders and then Bel screams out arching into Kor's touch. The hand in Bel's trousers doesn't move until he lies back down on the bed panting heavily but with a dazed satisfied look on his face. "Good boy." Kor praises pressing a kiss to the side of Bel's head.

"Bel can be really focused on sex but once we're in bed there's no doubt that Kor is in charge. We found out quickly that Bel loves submitting to us but Kor especially." Lilas whispers in my ear noticing that my attention is fixated on them. "They're beautiful together aren't they?"

"Yes." I whisper back surprised at how out of breath I sound. One of Lilas's hands tilts my head towards his as draws me into a kiss that doesn't help with how breathless I feel. Releasing a quiet moan I practically melt into Lilas as he deepens the kiss, I whine as he pulls away stretching my neck towards him trying to close the distance.

"Are you still sore?" He asks sliding a hand down between my legs, no doubt able to feel how wet I am through my underwear. With how close we are I can feel his cock pressed against me, he's already hard and it's clear what he's asking for.

"Please. I'm okay." I reply before managing to get close enough to continue kissing him. Reassured by my answer he rolls us over so that I'm pressed fully into the bed and he's lying on top of me. When he pulls back this time I follow after him making use of sitting up to pull Kor's borrowed tunic over my head quickly followed by my underwear. Lilas is making use of the space between us for the same purpose as he sheds his robe tossing it aside. Fully naked I lie back down blushing slightly as Lilas stares down at me.

"So beautiful Emmy." He mutters bringing his hands up to my breasts cupping them and using his thumbs to tease my nipples. I arch up slightly pressing more into his hands as I moan. Feeling bold after seeing Kor and Bel's display I reach one of my hands to Lilas's cock, touching one for the first time. "Fuck."

"Sorry." I say quickly moving my hand away worried that I'd hurt him, "Was that wrong?" He looks down at me in shock shaking his head slightly as he grabs one of my hands with his and brings them both back to his cock.

"No, it was perfect. Don't stop." He requests using his hand to guide mine to grip his cock and move up and down it just the way he wants. After a few strokes his hand lets go returning to playing with my breast leaving me to continue the rhythm on my own.

Lilas starts leaning down towards me and I release his cock not able to continue stroking him at the new angle. I thought that he was leaning down for a kiss, which he was but not me exactly. Instead he replaces one of his hands on my breast with his mouth. Licking and sucking my nipple which is driving me crazy in a way I didn't think was possible, how could him doing this feel so good?

"Gods, Lilas please." I beg wanting more. Thinking back to last night, or was it the early hours of this morning, I realise that I want him inside me like Bel was. Spreading my legs wider I try to make room for him to move, "Please, I want you."

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