Chapter 49 - Emilia

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I don't know how long it's been since Erika took me from the garden only that it can't have been more than a month. My baby hasn't grown very much so I can't have been here for too long. It's so difficult to tell though as she keeps moving us and every time that happens she knocks me out for the whole journey so I don't know where I am either.

She's barely spoken to me since abducting me from Hadlau and I still have no idea why or where it is we're going. All I get in the brief moments that I actually see her are glares filled with hate and sometimes a few harsh words, mainly revolving around how unfair everything is. That's the closest that she's come to admitting why she's taken me, jealousy and resentment, but it also feels like there is something more to this.

We'd only recently got to this new place and once again I'm locked in a room with no way out, it's been that way at every place we've stayed. The room I end up in always either high up or has no windows so that I can't try and escape, not without serious risk to my baby. It seems this might be the final stop though as Erika seems happier about being here than any of the other places we've been.

"He'll be here soon." I can hear her whisper to herself as she drops off some food for me. She's back out the door before I can even open my mouth to begin asking who she's talking about, not that I think she'd actually answer me.

I'm left alone once again as I start eating. At least she's been giving me a small plate of food for dinner even if it's not as frequent as when I was at home it's still more than I ate for the first 18 years of my life. My only concern is the effect this might have on my baby, I'd survived a lack of food before and can again but that's not what I want for my child.

After finishing my food I drift off to sleep not having anything else to do in this room. There's little else in the room other than a bed, a small table with just a pitcher of water on it, a window looking out over a forest and a chamber pot that Erika comes and empties every so often. Boredom has become a normal part of my life.

It's still dark out when I'm woken up by someone coming into the room and for the first time in possibly weeks it's not Erika. Instead standing in front of me is a tall, dark-haired elf who stands near the door watching me curiously as though I'm some sort of puzzle rather than a person. There's just something about him that scares me despite him not saying or doing anything. I scramble off the bed to stand against the wall as far away from him as possible.

"So you're the famous Queen Emilia. The newly found mate of the Gods chosen heirs." He eventually says practically spitting out the words 'Gods chosen' his loathing for both my mates and the Gods clear.

"Who are you?" I ask hating how my voice shakes showing my fear of this man. I have an idea of who he is but at the same time I don't want it to be true.

"Rhistel. I'm sure that you've heard of me." He smirks clearly enjoying the fear he inspires in me as I place my hands on my stomach as though they'd protect my baby from him. "I simply came here to meet you. And to bring you someone to keep you company, both of you are very important."

He leaves the room only to return shortly after carrying a sleeping elderly woman in his arms and setting her down on the bed. Before turning to leave he strokes her hair gently watching her fondly, it's odd seeing him care so much as until that moment his eyes were only filled with hate and anger. I'm left alone with the old woman who appears to be human and no idea what Rhistel wants from me, or my mates.

The latest war reports have been stating that he's lost control of all Nerkise but that the army still can't find him. Perhaps that's why he's had Erika take me prisoner, as a way to try and turn the tide of the war although it must be too late for that. He's already lost and my mates will find me.

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