Chapter 47 - Lilas

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"We've searched everywhere for Rhistel but we still can't find him. All the cities are now under our control and have been searched multiple times for him." Magor states looking over the reports in despair. We'd been discussing the state of the war all day but as always this it what it comes down to, the inability to locate Rhistel.

"What does that mean for the army?" Quillon asks, "They can't stay in Nerkise indefinitely searching for him. They've been gone for close to two years now, the men will want to return home to their families."

"That's true. We should recommend to the generals that they start sending men back home. A slow withdrawal from Nerkise would be for the best." I suggest, "They can get a new Council set up, with the recommendations we've sent, before they withdraw and continue the search for Rhistel as they leave."

Deep down I know though that while the rest of the army may start to withdraw and return home Kor and Bel won't. Not until they've found Rhistel, the last letter they sent was filled with apologises alongside their determination to stay until he was found. Since all the cities came under our control they have been able to reunite with each other. It's a comfort knowing that the two of them are together again, watching each other's backs.

"Do we have anymore spies that can subtly search for him while the rest of the army, Kings Ruikor and Bel included, return?" Kavarthon asks trying to find a way for everyone to get back home.

"Regardless of what spies are available Kor and Bel have stated that they won't be returning until they have caught Rhistel." I inform the Council. Until now I haven't told them about this out right but I'm sure that at least some of them have suspected.

"They're so stubborn." Magor mutters pinching the bridge of his nose, more than used to the antics of my mates. "This is why Emilia is my favourite of your mates nephew."

"I'll make sure to tell her uncle. Nevertheless they feel that for the safety of Rialria the war isn't over until Rhistel is caught and dealt with. They would prefer to see that it's done themselves." I reply getting reluctant nods of agreement from the Council, "Even though they aren't returning Lords Borgan and Halmed are so the Council will at least be back to it's full strength upon their arrival."

The reminder of their return is a suitable distraction from the stubbornness of my mates. As Borgan and Halmed will be returning along with some of the army the rest of the Council feels that a celebration of their return should be organised. Needing something good to focus on we began planning what we can do to celebrate the return of our victorious soldiers.

"Move out of my fucking way! Lilas! Lilas!" I hear being bellowed before Volethe bursts through the doors red faced and out of breath.

"Volethe, what-" I begin to ask standing up from my seat. Fear began to rise in me as my mind filled with possibilities of what could have happened, nearly everyone revolving around Emmy and the babies.

"It's the Queen." He pants out, "She's missing." It feels as though the floor has fallen out from beneath me. That can't be true. Surely he's mistaken and Emmy is safe at home with our son, there is no way that she's missing. Vaguely I can hear the Council members explode demanding answers from him while I try to come to terms with what I just heard.

"How is that possible?" I ask quietly but it cuts through the rest of the noise in the room.

"Her Majesty went on a walk in the garden with Lady Erika, she requested that we wait by the door for them to return. Khidell and I thought nothing of it as they were only going for a short walk and the garden is walled in... she should have been safe." Volethe tells us, pain and anger clear in his voice. Both he and Khidell have become close to Emmy considering her a sister so for this to happen under their watch must be devastating. "But then an hour went by and they didn't come back. I was worried something might have happened so we searched the garden but there was no sign of either of them. It's like they've disappeared into thin air."

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