Chapter 19 - Emilia

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The past month has been exciting but busy as well. I've had more reading lessons from Lilas who says that my reading is getting better, for the past week I've been reading aloud to the others from one of the simpler novels after dinner which has been getting easier every night. In fact I've nearly made it the end of book with only a little bit of help for some of the words.

My riding lessons have started as well although I haven't moved past trot on my own yet. Having some free time from the Council we've been together on a few more rides with me continuing to ride with Kor on his horse. I can't wait until I'm able to go out for a ride with them on Reyesin who I still haven't actually ridden yet, staying on one of the ponies so far while I'm learning the basics but I've been told that soon I can ride Reyesin in my lessons.

Tonight though is Lady Hess's ball which has come together quickly at least from my point of view but Lady Hess has told me that she's organised events with shorter notice which is amazing. Tonight I'll get to go to my first ever ball and with my mates, it's beyond anything I'd ever imagined when I was growing up. Attending a ball in the capital with people who love me and who I love in return.

Since I'd told them 'I think I love you' I'd come to realise that it's not something that I need to think about, I love them. Knowing this has made it easier for us to get even closer, we share kisses more easily now and they're not the simple brief kisses that I'd started with instead they're deeper and last longer. It's been amazing getting closer to them in that way and now I might be ready for more.

I'm hoping that tonight after the ball will be the night, I've been trying to build the courage to speak with them about sex. But I don't really know how tonight will go because of the announcements that they and the Council will be making at the ball, with Lady Hess's blessing of course. Over the past few weeks they'd been meeting more often for reasons that they didn't tell me about until a few days ago. It had been a terrifying conversation.


I'm relieved to wake up surrounded by my mates who are all watching me for some reason. Last night they'd been late back due to the Council meeting running longer than expected so I'd ended up having to go to bed on my own. I'd struggled to fall asleep and even when I had it wasn't a peaceful sleep instead I was plagued with worries for my mates. When they'd eventually joined me at some point in the night I'd been able to sleep peacefully.

"Is something the matter?" I ask wanting to know why they're watching me.

"Just wondering when we can get our arms back." Bel tells me amused making me realise that I'd taken hold of them during the night. Kor's arm is trapped under my head where I'm using it as a pillow and I'm hugging Lilas and Bel's to my chest tightly, something that is making Bel grin cheekily because of how close his hand is to my breasts.

"Oh." I squeak out releasing their arms and sitting up so that Kor can move his, "Sorry."

"It's not a problem, Kitten." Kor says, "We're so sorry that we were back late. The Council meeting dragged on because of some news we received and it's something we need to talk to you about."

His words make me nervous, sure they'd told me about Council meetings before but it had never seemed this serious. Not wasting any time despite having only just woken up we all head downstairs to the drawing room after dressing simply for the day. I end up sitting next to Bel while Lilas and Kor share the settee nearest to us.

"As you know we've been a bit busier with the Council lately, more and longer meetings." Lilas begins easing me into whatever it is they want to talk to me about and I nod in response letting him know that I'm following, "That's because we received some news... from Nerkise. It brought information on Rhistel's plans; he is planning war with us." I can feel myself pale as the blood drains from my face.

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