Chapter 8 - Emilia

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I'm comfortable and warm when I wake up, my head gently going up and down in time with someone's breathing. Blinking to clear my eyes I can see that it's Ruikor's chest that I'm sleeping on during the night I'd turned around to face him cuddling into his side. Behind me I can hear Lilas and Bel talking quietly before slipping out of bed and leaving the room. Even though I've only been here a few days I know that Kor would have woken up if what they had left to do was important, maybe they've only gone to the kitchen for something to eat.

Not wanting to move yet I cuddle further into Kor's side closing my eyes, not sleeping but resting comfortably against him. And I was resting briefly before the gentle movement of his chest speeds up as he lets out a chuckle, opening my eyes I turn my head up slightly facing him. He smiles, a bigger one than I've seen before, and reaches a hand up starting to stroke my hair.

"Comfortable, kitten?"

"Yes." I admit blushing both at being caught cuddling up to him and at the nickname, "Kitten?" He shrugs slightly.

"You look like one when your sleeping."

"Well you purr like one though." I retort only to get another shrug from him.

"Dragon." He points at himself before pointing down at me, "Kitten. Both can purr but only one is cute." I guess it makes sense to him and I don't really mind the nickname.

"I think your beautiful in your dragon form. I'm sorry I didn't tell you yesterday, but it was really impressive." In return all he does is smirk, knowing how impressive he is in dragon form.

"Come on. We should head downstairs Lilas is starting breakfast."

"Oh." I sit up allowing him to do the same, "But they left a while ago. I thought they'd gone down for an early breakfast." He chuckles getting out of bed.

"Not quite. Belath was hungry for something else." A smirk, that I'd seen more often on Belath's face, grows on Kor's face. I tilt my head trying to figure out what he means hoping he'll explain it to me. Instead he just leans down and kisses my forehead, "So innocent."

Knowing I won't get an answer from him I climb out of the massive bed to get dressed. Maybe if I ask Lilas or Bel will tell me what Kor meant. Making sure that I still have my necklace on I start pulling on the dress from yesterday on only to encounter a familiar problem, I need help with the ties at the back.

"Kor could you help me wi-" Before I can even finish I feel one of his hands running down my bare back making me shiver. Ignoring my response and acting like nothing had happened Kor does up the ties.

"Breakfast." He tells me heading out the door. I'm still confused by how I responded to his touch, so it takes me a second to come to my senses and follow after him, running my finger through my hair trying to get some of the knots out yesterday's bath making it easier but it's still difficult. Luckily I'm getting used to the route from this floor down to the kitchen we'd spent most of our time between the two, other than the lunch outside and evening in the downstairs library. They'd told me yesterday during the tour that this is a relatively small castle especially due to the number of unused rooms but if this is small I hate to image what they'd consider a large castle.

Just as Kor said when we got down to the kitchen Lilas is cooking breakfast and Bel is sat at the table as usual. Yesterday Lilas had briefly mentioned that Bel is banned from ever trying to cook again after his first and last attempt had almost burnt the castle down. I didn't get the full story though Bel had nearly pounced on Lilas to cover his mouth before he could finish the story, telling me to forget it had ever been brought up. Whatever had happened must have really embarrassed him and I'd thought that Bel didn't feel embarrassment at all.

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