Chapter 14 - Bel

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I deepen my kiss with Lilas as I hear Kor invite Emmy out to the gardens likely for the sole purpose of leaving us alone. Hearing her agree and seeing them begin to leave out the corner of my eye I manoeuvre Lilas onto the desk as I kiss down his neck stopping in various places determined to leave my mark on him. There was something incredibly arousing watching Kor kiss Emmy earlier so I can't wait to take this opportunity to be alone with Lilas for as long as I want.

"Bel please..." Lilas moans out as I continue attacking his neck shifting one of my legs between his giving his something to rub against, not that it provides much relief. Needing more contact I pull away from stripping myself and allowing him to stand and remove his robe. He teases me though removing it slowly with his back to me, gradually revealing first his pale slim back holding it at the base of his spine just long enough to tease me before dropping it completely leaving himself bare to me.

"Beautiful Li." I whisper into his ear as I press myself along his back. Running one of my hands up and down his chest lightly I feel him shiver even though I'm not touching him anywhere particularly sensitive yet. "So very beautiful even when you're teasing."

"You're the tease." He says back desperately, "Please touch me properly." He leans more against me as he curves his spine thrusting his chest further out begging for attention. I don't give him exactly what he's asking for though instead moving my teasing further down, running my fingers lightly along his already hard cock. The light touches pull lovely whimpers and moans from Lilas that echo through the library, luckily Nuela and Tehlmar have already warned the staff of what we can be like so they shouldn't come in unless it's urgent.

"I can tease you for as long as I want, Kor's out with Emmy and you know the servants shouldn't come in while we busy." I move my hand back up his chest then starting to play with his nipples which have always been sensitive, "We'll join Kor and Emmy in the garden eventually but before that I'm going to have so much fun with you."

"You're so cruel." He whimpers as I pinch one of his nipples lightly while slipping my other hand lower to start teasing his entrance, "No oil in here." He reminds me, usually after we've been staying here for some time small bottles of oil end up scattered around the palace for occasions like this but they must have been cleared out after our last visit.

Grunting I pick him up so he's hanging over my shoulder, giving him a quick word of warning I run upstairs at vampire speed. Entering our bedroom I throw Lilas down on the bed before fetching the oil and holding up in celebration for him to see. He gives me a satisfied smile at the sight of it and then to my surprise turns over on the bed so he's lying face down bent over the edge of the bed giving me knowing look.

"This is what you wanted in the library right?" He asks teasingly as he clearly offers himself to me. I basically lunge over him at the sight kissing him passionately, if not somewhat awkwardly from this angle.

"You always manage to read my mind." I tell him as I kiss down his back stopping just above where he wants me, "Such a good mate. You want this as much as I do, don't you?" Not giving him time to answer I dive right in licking at his entrance and enjoying the strangled moan Lilas lets out at the feeling. I tease him like this until he's begging for more so I pull back coating some fingers in oil and thrust two in immediately, they enter easily after all the teasing but filling Lilas differently enough that he moans louder.

I keep going thrusting my fingers in and out adding a third and then a fourth finger working diligently to stretch Lilas thoroughly. With everything that's been going on it's been several weeks since Lilas has been on the receiving end and I don't want to risk hurting him, this is meant to be pleasurable not painful. I don't stop working my fingers inside of Lilas managing to find his prostate teasing it relentlessly until he's coming without a single touch to his cock.

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