Chapter 23 - Emilia

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"Maryam, I wasn't expecting to see today. What brings you by?" I ask as I enter the drawing room where she's waiting for me.

"Your Majes-" She starts to say before I cut her off. We both sit down on one of the settees making ourselves more comfortable.

"None of that. Please just Emilia." I beg not wanting anything to change between us. It'd be unfair if I call her by her name but she's using a title. Plus she's the first friend I made here in Hadlau.

"Emilia, I just wanted to check on you. I was at the ceremony and could see how upset you were, I didn't come earlier because I thought you might be resting."

"Thank you Maryam. The ceremony... it was hard. But I've rested and spent some time with Lilas. I wouldn't say I'm fine but I'm better than I was."

"That's wonderful Emilia. I hope you know if you need anything I'm always here for you." I give her a small smile in acknowledgment before remembering that there is something I need to speak to her about. I was going to pay her a visit tomorrow and ask then but now is as good a time as any.

"There is something. When my mates spoke to me about taking on ruling Rialria, becoming Queen, they mentioned that I'll need to select Ladies-in-waiting. I was hoping that you'd be willing to be my first and help me select the others. I've been advised to select eight in total." I ask slightly nervous that she'll say no. But I need her help so I don't know what I'll do if she turns me down.

"It will be an honour to serve you my Queen." She replies rising from the settee and dropping into a low curtsy as her answer. I give a deep sigh of relief at her acceptance of the role, now I just need her help to select seven more women to be part of my court. They'll be my closest companions so I need to choose the right people.

"Thank you Maryam. Perhaps we can meet tomorrow to discuss filling the other positions if you're free of course?"

"Of course Emilia. Just send over a letter when you would like to meet, I'll prepare a list of those who might be suitable for you to look over. I'll take my leave now I'm sure you'd like to return to King Lilas." With a final curtsy she leaves the drawing room and I follow after her intent to re-join Lilas.

"Lady Hess." Tehlmar says as he opens the door for Maryam to leave and stepping outside he sees her into her carriage before returning inside. "Your Majesty, King Lilas asked me to inform you that he is the library if you'd like to join him there."

"Thank you Tehlmar." I reply making my way straight to the library. It isn't surprising that he's ended up in the library once again. Books are perhaps Lilas's favourite thing in the world, me, Kor and Bel being the exception to that although it comes close at times.

"Hello my love." Lilas greets not looking up from his book as I sit down next to him. As soon as I'm seated he moves one of his arms inviting me to lean against him which I immediately accept wanting to be as close as possible to him.

"Hello, what are you reading?" I ask not able to see the title from where I'm leaning against him. Even looking at the pages doesn't help as I can't recognise any of the writing, over the past month I've continued my reading lessons but none of this looks familiar. I've done so well with the lessons that Lilas doesn't think that I need any more lessons but he made it clear that I can still come to him for help if I come across any words I don't know.

"It's a book on runes. Quite an old one that I've been trying to get my hands on for ages. My Uncle Magor sent it over a few days ago knowing that I'll want something new to occupy myself with now that Kor and Bel are gone. Plus there are quite a few runes in here that could be useful for the war, both offensive and defensive ones." He tells me turning the page, already he seems to have read a few chapters. "What did Lady Hess want?"

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