Chapter 39 - Emilia

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It's mid-morning when it happens. Lilas was away at a Council meeting, he'd cut back to every other day ever since I went on bed rest and has been making comments about staying home with me until the baby was born. I won't let him though as he can't stop being King simply because the baby is almost here so we reached the agreement of every other day meetings. Volethe and Khidell are on guard duty today with strict orders for Volethe to run for Lilas if anything happens.

I've been on strict bed rest for the past month which is mind-numbingly boring especially as the baby moving has made it difficult to even focus on a book or embroidery. I'd not long given up on reading for the first time that morning when the pains start making my cry out and scare the life out of Volethe and Khidell.

"Your Majesty! What's wrong?" Volethe asks in a panic while Khidell scans the room trying to find an outside source for my pain.

"I-I think the baby is coming." I gasp out as the pain fades. Sharing a panicked look Volethe and Khidell split up with Volethe running out the door first to Healer Fayeth and my midwives then to Lilas to tell him it's time. Khidell on the other hand stays with me, coming to my side and offering silent support as there isn't much else he can do.

Luckily for him Healer Fayeth and the midwives arrive within minutes. They'd all moved into rooms in the palace as soon as I'd gone on bed rest, that way they'd be close at hand when I went into labour. Fayeth replaces Khidell next to me while my two midwives quickly shoo him out of the room informing him that only Lilas is allowed inside to be with me.

"Come your Majesty, walking will help move things along." Fayeth says helping me to sit up as a midwife takes my other hand, giving me support on both sides to stand up. With their help I'm soon on my feet and making slow laps around the room when Lilas arrives running into the room.

"Emmy! Is it..." He gasps out scanning the room before his eyes land on me being supported by Fayeth and a midwife, "Gods, it's really happening."

"Yes the baby's..." I pause letting out a low groan as another pain washes over me, "coming." I manage a strained smile at him as Fayeth waves him closer.

"Your Majesty, come and take my place." Obeying Lilas takes over from her holding my hand and helping me to walk around the room. Now free Fayeth joins the other midwife preparing for the birth, they get the bed ready along with towels and water warming over the fire. All done with a practised ease all while keeping an eye and ear on me as my labour progresses.

It seems to go on forever as I make endless laps around the room each one more difficult as the pains become closer together. Fayeth and the midwives have been keeping track of the amount of time between each one especially as they get closer together, there's only a few minutes between each one when they finally say anything outside of gentle encouragement.

"We should get you on the bed now, your Majesty. I need to examine you." Fayeth says prompting Lilas and the midwife to help me over to the bed. Once I'm there I lie down with my back against some pillows so that I'm still mainly upright and there is enough room left beside me for Lilas to sit next to me still holding my hand.

Arranging my legs to her liking Fayeth examines me before consulting with the midwives, whatever they're talking about they must come to some agreement as they all nod. With a slight smile Fayeth returns to the bed where Lilas and I are riding out my latest pain.

"It's time. On your next pain I want you to push your Majesty." Another strained smile comes to my face at the news but it soon fades as another pain overcomes me. Just as I'd been told I push and stop as the pain ends.

I keep pushing every time Fayeth tells me to when the pain comes but nothing seems to be happening and I'm so tired and close to giving up. Then she gives me the best news I'd heard all day, well since she told me to start pushing at least.

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